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Ten Reasons to Learn Arabic

Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

A short lesson on the merits of learning Arabic.


Ten reasons you want to learn Arabic:

1. Arabic is the language of the Qurʾān

2. The Qurʾān will increase you in intellect

3. The Qurʾān leads to righteous actions

4. The Qurʾān leads to the preceding messages in the previously revealed texts

5. The elaboration upon the Qurʾān is only known in Arabic

6. The great reward for reciting the Qurʾān—each letter

7. Many obligations in Islām cannot be completed except through utilising Arabic (ex. ash-Shāhādah)

8. The Sunnah is recorded in Arabic likewise

9. Without Arabic, a person remains a blind follower of translated interpretations

10. Deviation and innovation often comes from those who do not understand Arabic properly

Published: November 21, 2013
Edited: February 11, 2023

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