27 Questions Regarding ʿAqīdah and al-Daʿwah al-Salafiyyah
Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī

“What is your advice to a person who wishes to seek knowledge and hold on to it?” The Shaykh replied: ‘It is upon you to maintain contact with the people of knowledge (ʿUlamāʾ) so that you can benefit from them…’ An important answer from a true Alim (scholar) which needs to be comprehended by the Muslims since many have taken the laymen, one who memorized a book, one who spent a day or month with an alim, read books of Tafsīr and Ḥadīth in Kuffar Universities and so on to be the beacons of knowledge in their lives. This answer is also a befitting reply to those who claim that we need not run to the ʿUlamāʾ overseas when we potentially have ʿUlamāʾ in our lands (the West).
From the Questions:
What are the books that you advise to read in ʿAqīdah, Tafsīr and Ḥadīth?
- What is your advice to a person who wishes to seek knowledge and hold on to it?
- What is your opinion of those callers who say the daʿwah (Salafīyyah) is a return to the Fitan (troubles) of Shaykh al-Islām Muḥammad Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab?
- The daʿwah of al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn has failed since its inception… It is mentioned in a magazine that if it wasn’t for the daʿwah of Ḥasan al-Banná́, the people wouldn’t have been brought out from the cafes and cinemas…?
- There are three groups that are prominent today; al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn, Jama’aatut-Tableegh , Ansār al-Sunnah. Which one of them is better?
- You mentioned in the lecture, the term ‘al-wahabiyyah’. I have heard a tape by some students of knowledge, its title; a Salafī/Tableeghee discourse. He said in it ‘as for al-Wahabiyyah it has nothing to do with me’?
- We ask you to give a summarised address to every caller to Allāh who wants to be upon baṣīrah (insightful knowledge). We find that some youth have love for the daʿwah but unfortunately invite in ways that are wrong.
- Is it obligatory to be obedient to the rulers who don’t rule by the rule of Allāh?
- Is it permissible to give allegiance to them? What is your advice to the young Muslims in other than this country (Saudi al-ʿArabīa) that might rule by other laws (i.e. secular laws)?
- Some of the youth make Takfīr (judging people to be disbelievers) to people who aren’t upon their way?
- The differences between the scholars have caused differences between the youth; this has caused repudiation amongst them?
- You have spoken about as-siyasah (politics), so what type of politics do you want, cultivated politics?
People when they take the minbar, they say that which is different from what they say in private sittings, what do you say about this?
- Is there such a thing as Islamic Nasheed?
- How does a person increase his Islamic knowledge in an area that doesn’t have durūs (Classes with the people of knowledge), does listening to lectures help?
- To say the hearts of the servant are between the two fingers of al-Raḥmān, is this considered resemblance?
- (The one in whom relief is sought), is it from the names in which Allāh is sought?
- What is the ruling in Islām with regards to the one who masturbates, for fear of falling into fitnah?
Is the saying, ‘Salafī-Ṣūfī’, a correct statement?
- Is giving Islamic daʿwah obligatory upon all people?
- The Ṣūfīs say, ‘Indeed whey are in the realm is abstinence, not all Ṣufism is the same’?
- What do you advise your youth who have memorized the Qurʾān but then became lazy?
- Is it permissible to curse a specific individual?
- Is the one who takes actions of disobedience lightly a kāfir?
- There are people who leave of religious commitment, what is your Naṣīḥah (advice) to them?
- What is your one who brings the example of the trial of Imām Aḥmad?
- What is the ruling on the one who curses Allāh, the Messenger of Allāh and so forth?
If a person curses Allāh in a state of anger, what is the ruling?