Some people will have jealousy for one another, rather than building brotherhood upon īmān, rather we should be that person who aids his brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed, as the Messenger of Allāh advised us. From the actions which help increase brotherhood, is to visit one another for the sake of Allāh and from the qualities of visiting one another is to be sincere in this visiting such that you make this intention for the Face of Allāh, and if this individual is busy and excuses himself from your visit, then you should accept the excuse and not be persistent. And from the etiquettes is that you advise your brother to remember Allāh and benefit from knowledge (derived) from the Qurʾān and the Sunnah, and you benefit one another, and there is no harm in asking about their family or enquiring regarding wordly affairs.
From the rights of those things which will bring increased īmān and brotherhood is that we should love for our brother what we love for ourselves, and this is from the highest form of īmān, such that you do not have jealousy or seek to cheat your brother, but try and build those aspects of ikhlās. What we see today is much competing between the Muslims in buying and selling, there is no happiness for one another, they become jealous and cheat in order to bring the downfall of another person. Do not love one another for status, but rather we should be from those who smile and are happy for their success, and when your brother falls into trial and tribulation then be there to aid him and help him. These rights, if fulfilled will bring brotherhood and increase īmān, and will keep us away from splitting and differing. Do not have hatred for one another, but rather aid one another and reconcile between one another, and do not boycott one another unless you are guarding yourselves from a caller to evil who spreads much corruption in the land.