At What Age Should Boys Stop Going on the Sisters’ Side of the Masjid?
Shaykh Mūsā Richardson
The answer to an important question regarding the upbringing of young boys.
From the most important aspects of raising children is commanding them with duties and responsibilities at certain ages. Alḥamdullilāh, our Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) guided us to the correct method of upbringing in the well-known narration of ordering with al-Ṣalāh and seperating the beds of children. In this audio clip, our brother, Abū al-ʿAbbās Mūsá Richardson expounds on the narration and provides additional benefit in the topic of young boys at the masjid. Take a quick listen to this clip and learn a little more about your religion. May Allāh bless you with a righteous family.