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Case Study: Researching al-Barbahārī – Don’t Depend on “Shaykh” Google

Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī

A case study in researching the works of the great Imām, al-Bārabahārī. The noble speaker uncovers some of the allegations of Western “academics” against this great scholar of the Salaf. Theses atheist, orientalist “intellectuals” base their attack on ridiculing the Salaf, insinuating that they are feeble-minded since they did not open up their “reasoning” to taʿwīl (figurative interpretation), like the Ahl al-Kalām (people of theological rhetoric) did. In addition, the speaker uncovers poor research, in essence, lies quoted by these “academics” to attack Imām al-Barbahārī, blind reliance on heretical figures that oppose the actual writings of al-Barbahārī. The speaker concludes by warning the Muslims not to rely on unreliable sources (via Google etc.), this not being the approach of research for the upright Muslim.

Abū ʿAbdillāh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī:

In preparation for my class on Sharḥ al-Sunnah I came across a number of derogatory remarks directed towards the noble Imām, Abū Muḥammad al-Barbahārī (raḥimahullāh). After a small amount of research, I discovered that this sentiment is prevalent among many Western academics. So I decided to briefly address these issues in defense of the honor of this Imām and to analyze the validity of these claims and their truthfulness.

Published: February 6, 2016
Edited: April 9, 2023

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