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From the Beautiful Aspects of Islām

Al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī

The Islām that Allāh has sent all Prophets and Messengers with is based upon two basic affairs.

  1. The daʿwah (call) to single Allāh out with one’s worship, love, and hate for Allāh’s sake is based upon this principle, those who do not embrace and live by this are declared to be disbelievers.
  2. Warning against shirk, associating partners in any type of worship with Allāh and being serious in this warning, and having hatred for polytheism. Whoever would uphold these two principles, in truth, is a Muslim, a worshipper of Allāh, not worshipping other than him, having hope in Allāh alone. These are the two principles that all the Prophets and Messengers confirmed to.

Shaykh ʿʿUbayd al-Jābirī mentions three examples of the upright and beautiful nature of Islām before answering the following questions:

[Q1]: What is the ruling on making up the days of fasting in Ramaḍān for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman?

[Q2]: Are we permitted to eat at restaurants that serve alcohol, provided that it is not served at our table?

[Q3]: I took a loan with an agreement to pay ribā’ on it (in a time of ignorance), now I realise this error but interest has accumulated, is it upon me to pay this loan along with the ribā’ since I have agreed to the (interest-bearing) contract in the beginning.

[Q4]: What is the case about a person who ascribes to salafīyyah; however, he has some ignorance, along with this ignorance he approaches the people of innovation, in this example, the Ashʿarīs and specifically those who call to the Ashʿarī way. His ignorance leads him to mistakes in the basics of ʿaqīdah, like his affirmation of two ears for Allāh without a text to do so, in the heat of the argument, he makes grave errors and affirms attributes for Allāh that we have no evidence to affirm. What is the ruling or what advice would you give us for those who enter into arguments in religious affairs, not being firmly grounded in Islamic knowledge?

[Q5]: What is the difference between the one who accepts Islām and the one who is born into it? In our city there are those who use this against the Salafīs, to keep them distant from the Salafī masjid. They say that those who are in charge are new to Islām, not from Muslim families, and not having the culture of Islām, they use this differentiation to confuse people and keep them away from al-Salafiyyah.

Published: September 5, 2007
Edited: February 3, 2023

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