Having Brotherhood
Shaykh Abū ʿUways
An excellent refresher on various aspects of brotherhood and the sacredness of the Muslim, from our beloved brother.
Abū ʿUways brings a number of beneficial points regarding the blessing of having brotherhood, from amongst them:
- An explanation of the sacredness of the Muslim based upon the statement of ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿUmar radhiyAllāhu ʿanhu
- The goal of Shayṭān in his seeking to plant seeds of animosity to weaken the ties of brotherhood
- The crime of tale-carrying upon the unity of the brotherhood and the ill effects upon the one who commits this evil act
- The evil of belittling your Muslim brother
- The origin of brotherhood in Islām
- The importance of remembering that the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim
- A closing word of advice to the Ummah regarding how to improve your implementation of brotherhood