How the Salaf Understood the Qurʾān
Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī
Of the greatest responsibilities upon every Muslim is understanding the Qurʾān as it was meant to be understood, to those whom it was revealed to (the saḥābah). However, some of the greatest calamities have befallen this ummah—past and present—at the hands of misguided ignorant ones, who have been propped up upon pedestals as they explain the speech of their Lord based on their opinions and desires, wa Allāhu al-Mustaʿān. In a short speech, we have before us an explanation on how the righteous salaf were contrary to this; they did not accept speech except that it had a history with those before them. So how is it that many now believe and open their hearts to every individual who feigns understanding, not safeguarding their religion. Be cautious and value your religion! May Allāh protect the ummah.