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How to Obtain Marital Bliss

Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī

The Prophet ﷺ said, “O young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains the eyes from casting (evil glances), and preserves one from immorality…” A summarisation of a tape entitled, ‘Marital Bliss According to the Qurʾān and the Sunnah’ by al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdillāh al-Jābirī

“And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allāh).”
[Sūrah al-Dhāriyāt, 51:49]

The Prophet ﷺ said, “O young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains the eyes from casting (evil glances), and preserves one from immorality…”

A summarisation of a tape entitled, ‘Marital Bliss according to the Qurʾān and the Sunnah’ by al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd Ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī. A concise explanation on:

The wisdom behind marriage choosing your companion well
The importance of having a good walī

What to look for in a good husband/wife

Your spouse is your responsibility

Living together in comfort, treating each other well

How does one interact with one’s wives

From the Questions

[Q1]: How should the husband or wife treat the step-children?

[Q2]: In jahiliyyah, we had children, the mother is still non-Muslim, would there be a benefit in marrying these non-Muslim women in relation to those children being ours (since these children were from zināʾ and currently the father has no rights to the children because of this)?

[Q3]: What should a husband a wife do to enjoy each other outside of sexual relations?

[Q4]: What do we do if we go to a walī, and he is the father, and he is not Salafī, and he declines the offer or marriage?

[Q5]: If a wife goes to school to better the conditions of her family and also needs to work to support four children, can the husband force her to choose one or the other?

[Q6]: What is the obligation upon the husband (in provision), what about taking his wife out for meals and buying them cars etc.?

[Q7]: What is the reality of disciplining one’s children?

[Q8]: When you want to have a sitting with a brother (for marriage), what should you do?

[Q9]: The sisters may look for the dīn but also for a brother who take them to movie theaters or amusement parks, as for the brothers, they may think they can mend their problems with these things?

[Q10]: How do we divide our time with our wives?

[Q11]: What should I do regarding my husband not wanting me to wear a niqāb but my job won’t allow me to wear it, so I am around kuffār men who are asking me on dates. I wear niqāb around the Muslims but not around the non-Muslims, my husband says ‘I have to work’, it doesn’t seem to bother him as it does me?

[Q12]: If you are married to a sister who has a child from jahiliyyah and the child doesn’t want to participate in learning the dīn in the household with the other children, and the child’s grandmother (non-Muslim) tells the child that he/she doesn’t have to be Muslim, what should the man of the house do?

[Q13]: Should the wakeel know the condition of the sisters under his responsibility?

[Q14]: How should the walī explain the issue of polygamy to the sister under his care?

[Q15]: In our marriage, she (the wife) won’t accept ‘Allāh says, his Messenger says’, rather she says, ‘Allāh says but I think’, what should I do?

[Q16]: I know that the men are not to hear the voice of the women without necessity, what is the ruling on the man speaking to women, striking up a conversation with them?

[Q17]: What is the situation with the brother who wishes to take a second wife, he feels that he is able to marry a second yet he only have this ability since he first wife is working?

[Q18]: If the child hasn’t reached the age of puberty, how should he behave?

[Q19]: What should a wife do if she advises her husband (towards the dīn) but he doesn’t accept it, how should she approach it?

Published: May 30, 2007
Edited: February 18, 2023

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