ʿUmar Quinn advises the Muslims to have Taqwá of and sincerity to Allāh. What follows is a thorough admonition on the benefits of seeking knowledge and the importance of working hand-in-hand with your Salafī brothers towards establishing the daʿwah.
- Have Taqwá of Allāh
- Have sincerity to Allāh
- This causes the deeds of a person to remain eternally
- Seek beneficial knowledge
- Seek benefit from the scholars
- Put your hands in the hands of your brothers who are following the advice of the scholars, connect with the Muslims of other communities
- It is upon you to seek beneficial knowledge
- To learn and teach the books of ʿaqīdah and fiqh
- Learn the Arabic language
- To be patient with the process of seeking knowledge and to spend from your wealth
- Establishing the daʿwah with the help and assistance of the brothers
- Use the dunyā to establish the dīn for the sake of the hereafter