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Politics, Western Democracy, Yasir Qadhi, and Tony Blair

Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

An analysis of the politicisation of Yasir Qadhi over the years, culminating with his full-circle Ikhwānī principles. From the most important deviations being his reclassification of politics outside the realm of the Qurʾān and Sunnah, his open cooperation with the Shīʿah, and his adaptation of deceitful rhetoric (magical speech) at the hands of famous politicians such as Tony Blair.

  • The clear Ikhwānī methodology of Yāsir Qādhi: his catch phrases and trickery
  • Qādhi’s replacement of the Islamic fiqh of politics with kufrī democratic principles
  • The inner hatred of the Ikhwān al-Muslimīn (and its various offshoots) for real Islamic politics based on Qurʾān and Sunnah
  • How Al-Maghrib instructors are all united with Qadhi in promoting democracy
  • How he DID IN FACT learn ISLAMIC FIQH from Tony Blair
  • The ruling on learning Islām from non-Muslims
  • Rebuttal of points of confusion spread by Ikhwānīs about taking dīn from people of deviation
  • Examples of the effects of Yasir Qadhi studying for 8 years under non-Muslim academics at YALE (Jahmiyyah, Shīʿah, Walāʾ and Barāʾ etc.)
  • The magical rhetoric of Tony Blair that Yasir Qadhi admits to learning
  • Detailed examples of Yasir Qadhi demonstrating the influence of Tony Blair’s magical speech when speaking about Shīʿah: dressing up kufr and misguidance as something tolerable
Published: April 1, 2014
Edited: January 6, 2022

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