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Q&A with Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī (Birmingham)

Al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī

Question and answer session with Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī, conducted in Birmingham, UK. Questions were taken from the internet and from the people present. (Translated by Abū Ḥakim Bilāl Davis and Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī).

The questions:

[Q1] We know that the best place for the woman is the home and the maintenance of the wife is obligatory upon the husband, and ḥajj is a pillar of Islām; so is it obligatory upon the husband to pay the wife’s cost for ḥajj?

[Q2] At what age are children to be prevented from free mixing?

[Q3] A sister contacted us (Maktabah Salafīyyah) and claimed that her father does not pray and he has prevented her from marrying a man who is upon the Sunnah. How do we verify these accusations? Should we ask her to come and bring with her witnesses? And if it is established that he does not pray, does his guardianship of her cease because of this?

[Q4] We live in the West, and as you know O Shaykh, we do not have scholars with us, and we know who the inheritors of the prophets are. So what are the sound methods that the Muslim can use to prevent himself from falling into falsehood and misguidance?

[Q5] What is the ruling on taking medicine containing alcohol?

[Q6] There is a brother in Holland who wants to move to Birmingham because of the Islamic schools, and because the general environment is better there but his parents are against his decision. Keeping in mind that he has other brothers in Holland who fulfill his parents’ needs, should he obey his parents and stay in Holland?

[Q7] I found in a book of one of the scholars that the actions of Allāh are created. Is this a printing error?

[Q8] We find some of the people making clothes for the Muslims and writing words upon them like, ‘Salafī’ or ‘Ahl al-Sunnah’ or other than these things. So they were criticized for doing that and the likes of these because Salafī is a methodology and an ʿaqīdah, not something that you write on your clothes. In their response, they mentioned that Ibn Qayyim said in the times of ḥizbiyyah that the people choose and wear specific types of clothing. So what is your answer to this, O Shaykh?

[Q9] A brother stated that the universities here (in the West) are free mixed (co-ed). He wants to go to the land of the Muslims, but the problem is he cannot find a job except with a degree. So what is your advice O Shaykh, may Allāh bless you?

[Q10] Is it permissible for the Muslims in the lands of disbelief to vote, and can they seek from the people of Islām to aid them (i.e. vote for a Muslim representative)? They use it as proof that you can take the lesser of two evils.

[Q11] After I finish my prayer in jamaʿāh, sometimes there is someone praying in front of me. Should I stay seated so I can be his sutrah or can I leave?

[Q12] Many times there are female converts to Islām who do not have Muslim relatives. You find that many people come forward to be their walī, and unfortunately, this has led to many terrible things occurring. In these cases, is it true that the guardianship belongs with the imāms of the masjids of the Sunnah?

[Q13] What is your advice, O Shaykh, to the sisters in America who want to seek knowledge?

[Q14] An individual who continuously does an action, eg. a drug addict or alcoholic wants to seek the forgiveness of Allāh. How does he do this?

[Q15] What is the correctness of the principle that criticism is not accepted until the word of the people of knowledge is united upon one stance?

Published: October 18, 2017
Edited: March 12, 2023