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Questions Answered on Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh

Al-ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Jābirī

A grand expose of the extremely partisan, neo-ṣūfī group known as ‘Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh’. The noble Shaykh, ʿUbayd al-Jābirī answers several questions about the Indian origin group, their ʿaqīdah, manhaj, roots and goals. The answers illustrate the extremely ḥizbī nature of this group, their abomination of ‘al-daʿwah ill-Allāh’, destruction of the term ‘fī-sabīl Allāh’, corruption of the concept of tawḥīd, abandonment of the manhaj al-anbiyāʾ, deep roots in Ṣūfiyyah and foolish content with being attached to the party, devoid of seeking knowledge.

A grand expose of the extremely partisan, neo-Ṣūfī group known as ‘Jama’aatut-Tableegh’. The noble Shaykh, ʿʿUbayd al-Jābirī answers several questions about the Indian-based group, their ʿaqīdah, manhaj, roots and goals. The answers illustrate the extremely ḥizbī nature of this group, their abomination of ‘al-daʿwah ill-Allāh’, destruction of the term ‘fī-sabīl Allāh’, corruption of the concept of tawḥīd, abandonment of the manhaj al-anbiyāʾ, deep roots in Ṣūfiyyah and foolish content with being attached to the party, devoid of seeking knowledge.

The Questions:

[Q1]: I am a youth who Allāh has guided at the hands of a few brothers. I travelled with them (jama’aatut-tableegh) for three days to Qatar. Then it was said to me by a student of knowledge that this type of action is not from the sunnah and is a bidʿah. So if a person goes out, for the sake of Allāh, for tableegh, is this a bidʿah?

[Q2]: Is this expression correct, ‘we are requested to strive and work, the guidance comes for Allāh, you move and work here and the guidance will descend, it might descend in America, it might descend in India, here, there or anywhere. The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) moved and worked in Makkah and guidance descended in Madinah.’ Is the expression correct?

[Q3]: What is the true understanding of the saying of Allāh, ‘And have Taqwá of Allāh and Allāh will teach you’?

[Q4]: Did the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) go out for 4 months, 30 days or 3 days? What is the authenticity of the narration of ʿUmar (raḍī Allāhu ʿʿanhu), ‘Why didn’t you complete 40 days’?

[Q5]: We went to Pakistan (with jama’aatut-tableegh) and we entered a braylawī (extremist Ṣūfī group) masjid and remained for 4 days praying behind a braylawī, our ameer knew that he was a braylawī. Then it was made clear to me after some time that the braylawiyyūn are mushrikūn. [The Shaykh interrupts stating, ‘I think your question is whether your salāt is valid]

[Q6]: What is the ruling of the one who interprets all of the ayaat on jihād as being specific to jihād of speech only?

[Q7]: Some ‘ulamāʾ generalise about some groups, and from them, jama’aatut-tableegh, that they are firaq (sects) and not jamāʿāt (groups) because the jamāʿah is what the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and his Ṣaḥābahh were upon?

[Q8]: Is it affirmed that some youth from this country (Saudi al-ʿArabīa) pledge allegiance to In’aamul-Ḥasan (modern-day leader of firqat al-tablīgh) upon the Rubik chain of Ṣūfiyyah in India?

[Q9]: Some of the leaders of jama’aatut-tableegh in this country, when asked, ‘Why were graves entered in this centre for jama’aatut-tableegh in India’. They reply, ‘The people of India entered graves into the masjid in order to close the doors to shirk so that the people would not go to the cemetery and seek wasīlah to Allāh through the graves.’

[Q10]: They take as proof O Shaykh, and they say, ‘you placed this involvement upon us (the presence of graves at the main centre of the jama’aatut-tableegh in India), the grave of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) is in the masjid in Madinah’. What do you say about this O Shaykh?

[Q11]: Some youth from this country (Saudi al-ʿArabīa) spend various means to travel to the gulf and India, however money is not spent to travel to the ‘ulamāʾ of this country, and they act as if the ‘ulamāʾ of this land do not make daʿwah. They describe the ‘ulamāʾ as ‘slaves of the dunyā’. What do you say about this O Shaykh?

[Q12]: The ones affiliated with the jamāʿah from the sons of this country (Saudi al-ʿArabīa), what is their ruling? Do they vary in their nearness to bidʿah or are they the same? And what is the ruling on going out to Qatar, Kuwait or Pakistan and what is the ruling on the local khurūj that they do within this country?

Published: June 15, 2007
Edited: February 3, 2023