Reading the Books of the Innovators
Shaykh Mūsá Richardson
Whilst reading through the book entitled, “Methods the People of Falsehood Use to Establish Their Bāṭil – Exposed” by Shaykh Muḥammad ibn ʿUmar Bazmūl, may Allāh preserve him (حفظه الل), Shaykh Mūsá Richardson mentioned a few very important issues concerning reading the books of the innovators. Many have heard the erroneous statement, “take the good and leave the bad”, but this act of taking the good and leaving the bad would require a person, in advance, to have knowledge of the good and the bad to be able to filter out what would harm him. If he had this ability he wouldn’t need this source at all in the first place.
Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyyah (رحمه الله) commented on one of the most famous explanations of the Qurʾān from the Muʿtazilah entitled, “al-Kashāf”. This tafsīr has been read by many, both in the past and the present, who fell for the high level of eloquence and literature in this book. Similarly, today we find many reading and quoting from the deviant Sayyid Qutb and his misguided tafsīr, “In the Shade of the Qurʾān” (Fī Zilal al-Qurʾān). Again, people are not basing this on its concurrence to the sunnah, but rather they are attached to the eloquence exhibited by the author.