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Stick to the Jamāʿah – You Can’t Do It Alone!!

Shaykh Abū ʿUways

Our brother gives a short talk on ʿEīd al-Fitr (1424 AH | 2003) about unity and togetherness upon the Qurʾān and Sunnah with the correct understanding of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ, and it’s importance in this time.

Allāh (subḥāna wa taʿala) says in Sūrah Āl ʿImrān [Meaning of the translation]:

وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا
And hold fast, all of you together to the rope of Allāh and be not divided…
[Sūrah Āli-ʿImrān, 3:103]

Abū ʿUways (raḥimahullāh) sheds light on an issue regarding separation from the dīn of Islām and leaving off from the Sunnah of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam), its dangers and its consequences. Likewise, he also speaks on the unity of Islām (upon the Sunnah and not bidʿah) and its benefits. Abū ʿUways states, “separation is a disease that should be left behind us.”


Abū ʿUways begins with the khutbatulḥajjah (sermon of need).

I’ll make this, in shāʾ Allāh taʿala, short bi’ithnillāh taʿala, remind the Muslims today bi’ithnillāh taʿala with unity

Allāh tabarak taʿala says:

“Hold onto the rope of Allāh together and do not separate”

“Hold onto the rope of Allāh tabark taʿala together and do not seperate”

This point being…this is pointing to togetherness. This is pointing to akhoowah; this is pointing to brotherhood and to sisterhood and for the Muslims to be united, but united upon what? United upon the Book of Allāh tabaarakah wa taʿala and the Sunnah of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and the understanding of the salaf al-ṣāliḥ. So we call today, as we always call, to unity, to togetherness, and do not separate, as a matter of fact, in our dīn it is forbidden for us to separate.

Allāh says “and do not be like those who separated in their dīn those who separated from their dīn became shee’ah and became parties,  “You have nothing to do with them.”

So we have to have unity; we have to have togetherness; we have to be upon Kitāb and Sunnah and the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ together, and we have to be collective, and we have a word out to those Muslims (inaudible), bond; …that we don’t see them after Ramaḍān. We say to you that of course the doors of tawbah are open for Ramaḍān, and we say, in shaa’ AllāhTaʿālá, the doors of tawbah are open until the sun rises from the west. But we say this is a good start, bi’ithnillāh taʿala, that you have come out to worship Allāh tabaarakah wa taʿala for these 29 or 30 days; so we say continue this; let us see you in the masjid. Let us see you in the ṣalāt in jamāʿah. Let us see you in the circles of knowledge. Do not become a stranger. Do not make ‘Eed become a situation where you return back to the foolishness and the darkness and the sins that one was committing before, but let this become a new day for you and a new day for us. That we return to the dīn of Allāh tabaarakah wa taʿala totally, and that we submit to Allāh tabaarakah wa taʿala totally, and that we try our utmost and our best to be unified upon this issue.

Brothers and sisters, you cannot worship Allāh alone, you need help, and you need support. This is why in the sūrah that we just recited. Wa tawaasu bil-haqqee wa-tawaasu bis-ṣabr, those who come to one another upon the truth and come to one another upon patience is a continuous thing between each other when the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said the dīn is Naṣīḥah, the dīn is sincere advice; this is something that we must understand; it is bad enough or hard enough to practice any type of morality, any type of righteousness. So, what about trying to practice the correct dīn, the correct ʿaqīdah, the correct manhaj; what about trying to be upon what the Companions of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) were upon? Not only in statement, but in actions, and in our practices and in our behavior; you can’t do it alone; you can’t do it alone; this is why the dīn has ordered gathering.

There should be one masjid that gathers everybody and then those with ṣalāt or other areas of prayer for those who are very far away from the masjid, but in general there shouldbe one place for those who are upon the kitaab and the sunnah, and the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and the salaf al-ṣāliḥ gathered [in] one place, for those who wanna [sic] be from the Saved Group or the Victorious Group. Those who are trying to do it as it should be done, connected to the scholars, connected to the Kitāb, connected to Sunnah, connected to the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ. There should be one place where we are,each of these places we see today, we should seethere.

And why not when we are destroying ourselves, the further away we get from the flock, the wolf gets the sheep that strays from the flock Mustafa (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said, you want to get lost you want to be in darkness you want to be upon sin you want to be upon foolishness andmadness and corruption? All you need to do is go away from the flock, go away from those upon Qurʾān and Sunnah, go away from Ahlul-Khayr, those who make wuḍūʿ’ and make ṣalāt and make rukūʿ and make sujūd and recite Qurʾān.

[But then you] find yourself alone and you’ll find yourself with the worst of creatures; you find yourself upon dḥalālah and you have no one to blame but yourself, so you must make that extreme effort, a zealous effort, to be around those upon Kitāb and Sunnah and upon the [way of the] Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ and the correct manhaj, keep around those and make yourself be patient with those who call upon their Lord, morning and evening; make yourself be conformable with those who say Allāh said…and the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said…and the Ṣaḥābah said…make yourself be patient with their harm, be patient with their tongues, be patient with how they might treat you, be patient with their roughness, for wAllāhi, their good is more than their bad; their righteousness is more than their sin; their uprightness is more than their injustice, but you have to be patient with that,  be patient with their harm so that your are with the believers; those who are with the believers today will be with the believers tomorrow; those who love the believers today will  be with those who he loves tomorrow –  the one is with the one who he loves -if you love the people of Sunnah and love the people who are following the way of the salaf al-ṣāliḥ, and love the people of righteousness, of mercy, of love, of kindness, being upright, ordering what is good and forbidding what is bad. Those that recite Qurʾān, those who sit in circles of knowledge, then you must be with them today so that you’ll be with them tomorrow.

Don’t be with them just on ʿĪd, don’t be with them just on jumu’ah, but be with them on a daily basis, so the call goes out today! As is with many times before in our dīn, generation after generation, the call is to the heart of the Muslim, the one upon tawḥīd, the one who loves Allāh the one who hopes for the good in the aakhirah; come to unity; come to your brothers, be one hand, be together, be unified. Don’t split, don’t separate, don’t think about it, don’t give it another thought, about separation. Separation is a disease and should be behind us. And the cure to this is unity upon Kitāb and Sunnah and the way of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ.

We want everybody, no one is excluded, we want every Muslim, no one is excluded. Every Muslim, every Muslimah, every Mu’min, every Mu’minah, everyone who wants the Daarul-Aakhirah, who wants the Jannah of Allāh, we want them with us, upon the book of Allāh tabaarakah wa taʿalaand upon the Sunnah of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and upon the way of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ. Everyone is welcome; no one who hears my voice can say that Masjid Raḥmah is upon something of being divisionist [sic] or isolationist, No! We say come, but come on the Sunnah, don’t come with bidʿah, we say come together but on brotherhood not on ḥizbiyaah, we say follow Muḥammad Ibn ʿAbdullāh (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam), he’s the only shaqs that we have shaqsiyyah for, this is what we say; the daʿwah is clear, the path is straight, the matter is understood, Kitāb wa Sunnah, and fahm of [the] Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ, don’t think of nothing else, don’t listen to nothing else, don’t believe in nothing else. This is the call, a call from Kitāb and Sunnah to Kitāb and Sunnah; we’re not looking for position; we’re not looking for money; we’re not looking for prestige; we’re not looking for  (inaudible); we’re calling to the way of Allāh tabaaraka wa Taʿālá and the way of the Messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and the way of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ. The way that the first generation was doin it [sic], so we’re sayin [sic] to you and to anyone that you can reach to tell in this era, join us upon this matter, this straight matter; the matter that the Ṣaḥābahh were upon, the Tabi’een and Atbaa Tabi’een were upon a matter of righteousness, taqwá, matters of lā illāha illullāh muhammadur- rasoollullāh – this is not just shouting with no real meaning behind it, this is not just some campaign, this is reality! This is what we want to live on! This is what we want to die on! And this is what we want to meet Allāh tabaaraka taʿalá on!

Published: August 17, 2012
Edited: January 21, 2023

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