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The Broadcast Yourself Generation – Advice for Bloggers and Social Media Enthusiasts

Shaykh Abū Khadījah

A brief advice concerning the nature of today’s internet landscape, one in which participation is encouraged by current information-funnelling technologies such as Twitter, YouTube etc. The Salafī student of knowledge is one who listens, reads and learns. However, the internet today is driven by platforms which encourage participation and the constant flow of information (we will discuss the reasons for this at another juncture). In this regard, one can feel left out if he/she is not tweeting, youtube-ing, blogging etc. Is blogging and spreading information about Islām for everyone? Does it inhibit time spent studying? Abū Khadījah offers some advice in this regard.
Published: July 20, 2023
Edited: July 21, 2023

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