From the issues discussed:
- Do not isolate yourself, when the fitan (trials) come, you will not know what to do!
- The multiplicity of groups and their various methodologies is not from Islām (factionalism)
- The messenger (sallāllāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) taught us the straight, middle path to follow
- The divergent paths are exemplified by the deviant groups; the Muslim should seek the Straight Path and maintain upon it
- The (correct) methodology is one methodology
[Q1]: Is it allowed for the khaṭīb to appoint someone else to lead the ṣalāh after he gives the khuṭbah?
[Q2]: What advice do you give to our sisters who complain that every conference is based upon manhaj and bidʿah and other topics are not covered?
[Q3]: What are the means of increasing brotherhood?
[Q4]: How do we treat a brother who affirms the Salafī daʿwah but is lax with regards to his worship etc.?