The Etiquette of Relieving Oneself
Shaykh Ḥasan al-Ṣumālī
Our noble brother delivers an extremely beneficial lecture outlining the etiquettes of relieving oneself, alongside its relevant proofs from the Sunnah in very informative and interactive way.
Our noble brother Ḥasan al-Ṣumāli goes through the various obligatory and disliked acts associated with the manners of relieving oneself. Some of the beneficial points that he brings are:
- The authentic du ͑ā (supplication) for entering the toilet begins with the Basmala
- The Scholar’s comments regarding entering the toilet with the left foot
- Distancing yourself from the people and covering ones ͑awrah
- Do not face the Qiblah or have your back to the Qiblah whilst going to the toilet
- The permissibility of using toilet paper when performing Instinjā
- The permissibility of urinating standing if one is safe from urine splashing on their clothing
- The proof of washing the private parts with water
- Al-Istijmār with stones, and the need to use no less than three stones
- The issue of eating and drinking whilst on the toilet
- The prohibition of giving the Salām whilst relieving oneself
- The undesirability of speaking whilst relieving oneself
- Washing one’s hands after