The Importance of Actions in One’s Life
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Salām ibn Burjiss

Statements from the lecture:
“Adding knowledge to actions shows that Allāh’s favour is upon a person!”
“The Salaf used to say, ‘Knowledge is not that people relate a lot, knowledge is sought in order to fear Allāh.'”
“The salaf used to say ‘ the one who does not act upon knowledge is ignorant.'”
“Fuḍayl Ibn Iyāḍ said ‘The Scholar remains to be ignorant until he acts upon his knowledge.'”
“The two feet will not proceed on Yawm al-Qiyyammah until they are asked about four things, one of those things is ‘knowledge’ and what he did with it. Why did he learn? Was his purpose to learn and act upon knowledge?”
From the Questions asked:
When is someone considered to have left the Salafī Manhaj?
If a person’s Uṣūl (foundation) is fundamental with that of Ahl al-Sunnah wa-al-Jamāʿah, for example, the categories of Tawḥīd, the names and attributes of Allāh and he proceeded upon the manhaj al-Salaf in this. Also the Rubūbīyyah (Oneness of Allāh in Lordship) of Allāh and that he agrees with Ahl al-Sunnah concerning Allāh being worship alone (‘Uboodiyyah). Also concerning ‘Īmān and that it is statement and action, decreasing with sinning, increasing with obedience. If a person were to be mistaken in a certain matter due to him misunderstanding it but his origin and fundamentals are the same and in agreement of Ahl al-Sunnah then is not to be taken out from the manhaj….