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Voting, Democracy, the Ikhwānī Manhaj, and Walīd Basyouni, VP of al-Maghrib Institute

Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

Walīd Basyouni, VP of al-Maghrib Institute claim that voting is the Muslim’s political right and a noble deed, and which scholars he really will connect the people to. A man who tries to fool the Muslims by blending the names of Salafī scholars past and present with the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Walīd Basyouni’s endorsement for Muslims to vote for Barack Obama, his claim that Shaykh Ibn Bāz, Shaykh al-ʿUthaymīn (raḥimahumallāh) and Yusuf Qaradawi (Ikhwani Figurehead!?) and all Fiqh Councils endorse electoral voting and that Muslims practise their “political rights”. He calls it “spreading good” (did he not witness what happened in Egypt the last two years and the collapse of Qaradawi’s beloved Muslim Brotherhood movement?)

A refutation of the democratic system, the ruling of the people by the people is discussed and weighed against the scale of the Qurʾān and Sunnah. Democracy is Jāhiliyyah, ruling with desires not the rule of Allāh.

Published: September 4, 2013
Edited: March 12, 2023

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