“Ādam supplicated: O Allāh, By the Haqq (Right/Status) of Muḥammad, Forgive Me…?”
Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

Had it not been for Muḥammad, I would not have created you. Rather, Allāh had created Ādam, and all of his decendants, to worship Him as He has made clear in Sūrah al-Dhāriyāt, what means: ‘And I have not created the jinn nor mankind but to worship Me.’
In regard to my question, story of Ādam ʿalayhi salām. People say that when Ādam ʿalayhi salām made a mistake he saw the name of Muḥammad ṣallallāhu ʿalayh wa sallam in sky(ie some where in sky that i dont know properly) and Ādam ʿalayhi salām took wasilah of same name i.e. Mohammed [ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam] to allah to forgive his mistake and Allāh forgave him. [ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam]
Jazākum Allāhu khayran for clarifying the narration you were referring to. It was collected by al-Ḥākim in his Mustadrak (2/615), and others, by way of “ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Zayd ibn Aslam”. Here is the exact wording:
“When Ādam had made his mistake, he said: O my Lord! I ask you by the right/status of Muḥammad that you forgive me. He (Allāh) said: “And how did you come to know Muḥammad?” He said: When you had created me with your Hand and blown into me from your Rūḥ, I raised my head and saw that it was written on the bases of the throne: Lā ilāha ill-Allāh, Muḥammad al-Rasūl Allāh. So I knew that you would not place a name along with yours unless that was (the name of) your most beloved creation. He (Allāh) said: “You have spoken truthfully, O Ādam, and had it not been for Muḥammad, I would not have created you.”
Al-Ḥākim mistakenly called the ḥadīth: ṣaḥīḥ! And this mistake has been the source of rebuttal ever since the book reached the people.
You may know that ath-Thahabee did a checking of al-Mustadrak, and he commented on al-Ḥākim’s remarks about the narrations. About this narration specifically, and what al-Ḥākim said that it is ṣaḥīḥ, he said:
“RATHER IT IS FABRICATED (MAWDHOO’), ʿAbd al-Raḥmān is WĀH (grossly erroneous)!”
Even al-Ḥākim himself had spoken against this narrator, despite his error here. He said about this narrator: “He has narrated fabricated narrations by way of his father, and this is not hidden from anyone who knows this trade (Ḥadīth) and ponders over it…” (al-Ḥākim’s Madkhal 1/154)
Ibn Taymīyyah stated: “ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Zayd ibn Aslam is ḍāʿīf (weak) by way of scholarly agreement, he erred often.” He then went on to list the scholars who declared him weak and/or abandoned him. (Qaa’idah Jaleelah, p182, al-Furqān)
And about al-Ḥākim’s error, Ibn Taymīyyah said: “This is something that the imāms of Ḥadīth Sciences have rejected from him, and they have said: Verily al-Ḥākim declares some narrations to be ṣaḥīḥ, while they are fabricated lies, known to the people of knowledge of Ḥadīth…” (Qāʾidah jalīlah, p.183)
However you will find the people of desire, refuting the entire ummah of scholars to defend al-Ḥākim’s mistake here, and this is one of the ways that ahl al-bidʿah are known: They base their positions on weak and fabricated narrations. This is just one clear example…
Here are some points to consider as well, regarding the meaning of the fabricated text, since fabricated narrations have signs within the text that they are indeed not from the speech of the messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam):
1 – “I ask you BY THE RIGHT/STATUS of Muḥammad” The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) taught us the ways to ask Allāh, and he did not teach us to ask in this manner.
2 – “had it not been for Muḥammad, I would not have created you” Rather, Allāh had created Ādam, and all of his descendants, to worship Him as He has made clear in Sūrah ath-Thaariyaat, what means: “And I have not created the jinn nor mankind but to worship Me.”
This fabricated text would imply that Allāh created Ādam for the sake of Muḥammad (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam), and whatever could be understood from that.
And Allāh knows best.
Please pass this reply on, along with an encouragement to call on Allāh by the three ways mentioned in my previous reply to anyone you feel may benefit, especially those who mentioned that narration to you in the first place, may Allāh bless you and grant you success.
And please refer to these beneficial words from our scholars for further benefit on the topic of avoiding abbreviations when sending ṣalāh and salām on the messenger (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
Originally posted: “Ādam supplicated: O Allāh, By the Haqq (Right/Status) of Muḥammad, Forgive Me…?”
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