Answering Christian Doubts: Muslims and Christians Can Agree on the Glorification of Jesus
Imām Shiḥab al-Dīn al-Qarāfī
A reminder of the false claims of the Christians surrounding Allāh and the prophet ʿĪsá (عليه السلام) and how their beliefs vastly differ from those of the Muslim.

The Christians say: The noble Qurʾān has glorified ʿĪsá (عليه السلام) and his mother Maryam (عليها السلام). This represents our view and creed as well. Therefore, our religions are in agreement. So, the Muslims should not object to our beliefs.
This is answered with the following points:
- Veneration of both of them is not the subject of debate between us, and Christians are not disbelievers merely because of it. Rather, the disbelief of the Christians is related to their ascribing matters to them that are unbefitting of the exaltation and majesty of lordship and unrepresentative of the lowliness of human attributes. This is their claim of the unification of the father and the son (i.e. the trinity) and the taking of a female companion (i.e. “the mother of god”) and children (i.e. “the son of god)—glorified and high is He above that which the disbelievers claim. This is the mistake in their claim of our agreement with their creed; the mistake in claiming that this is not the creed that we have conflict concerning. Yes, if the noble Qurʾān had related such corrupt matters as mentioned here—although such a thing is an impossibility—then our creeds would be in agreement.
- If they claim that the noble Qurʾān has related that which is consistent with what they believe to be true, then this represents an evidence that the noble Qurʾān is the truth. For it is impossible for that which is false to confirm the truth. Rather, that which confirms the truth must also be true. Therefore, the noble Qurʾān is the absolute truth. This is the reason that many Jewish rabbis and Christian priests embrace Islām. These people have tested that which has been related by him (صلى الله عليه وسلم), finding it completely consistent with the true beliefs they held, causing them to admit, with full certainty and assuredness, that he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the truth. They embraced Islām and followed him. This has always been the way of the truly intellectual in examining the words of the speaker. If they find it consistent with the truth they believe, they follow him. Otherwise, they reject him.
Source: Al-Ajwibah al-Fākhirah: 76-81
Translated by: Riyāḍ al-Kanadī
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