Ashʿariyyah: Answering Three Pivotal Questions about the Ashʿarīs
Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn
And the truth that no one doubts, not even the most unintelligent person, is that each and every description that Allāh has described Himself with, or that His Messenger ﷺ described Him with, must be free of any similarity to His Creation, and this is the apparent meaning that comes to mind for the one who has the slightest amount of faith in his heart…Could any intelligent person deny that the meaning that first comes to mind is based on the fact that the Creator is unlike the Creation with regards to His actual Presence, and with regards to His Attributes as well? No, by Allāh! No one denies this other than an ignorant, arrogant liar, someone who claims that the apparent meanings of the Verses about the Attributes are not befitting to Allāh, since they are disbelief and tashbīh! The only thing that has led them to say this is the filth that has built up within their own hearts because of their assumptions that the Creator is similar to the Creation. Then, their false assumption of tashbīh led them to reject the Attributes of Allāh and abandon having faith in them. All of this while Allāh the Exalted is the very One who described Himself with these things! So this ignoramus was first a mushabbih, and then a mu’attil, thus he believed what was not befitting about Allāh from beginning to end.
If someone says, “We are aware of the futility of the madh′hab of the people who make ta‘weel of the Attributes, and it is well known that the Ashʿarīs are from those who make ta‘weel of most of the Attributes…
[1]: But how could their madh′hab be falsehood when it has been said that they make up about ninety-five percent of the Muslim population?
[2]: And how could their madh′hab be falsehood when their founding role model was Abū al-Ḥasan al-Ashʿarī?
[3]: And how could their madh′hab be falsehood while So-and-So and So-and-So are Ashʿarī scholars, and they are well known for their sincerity to Allāh, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and the common folk?
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