Do Not Keep Company with the People of Innovation
Al-ʿAllāmah Ḥammūd al-Tuwayjirī
Shaykh Hammūd al-Tuwayjirī [d. 1413 AH] said: “[Ibn Waḍḍāḥ] also narrates [from Al-Awzāʿī] who said: ‘I was told by several people that Asad ibn Mūsá wrote to Asad ibn al-Furāt: I warn you that you should hold any person from among the people of innovation as a brother, a person you sit with regularly, or as a close compatriot. For it has come in a narration: ‘whomsoever sits with a companion of innovation, will have [Allāh’s] protection over him removed. [Rather] he will be entrusted to himself. Whomsoever walks towards a person of innovation, he has indeed walked towards the destruction of Islām itself. For the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) has cursed the people of innovation, [and has related that] Allāh will not accept from them their aversions [from punishment] or good deeds whether it be that which is compulsory or voluntary. Whatever increased strife, prayer or fasting they carry out, only distances them further from Allāh. So reject wholly their meeting places, and humble them, and distance yourself from them, just as Allāh has made them distant, and the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) and the leaders of guidance after him have humbled such people.’”
Source: Al-Qawl al-Balīgh: 32
Translated by: Riyāḍ al-Kanadī