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How Allāh Honours the Muslimah

Shaykh ʿAbdullāh al-Nahārī

  In this audio, we learn lessons from the Mothers of the Believers. Examples are presented on how the Prophet and his wives were and how they remained obedient etc. This is so that the Muslim woman can take this as an example and gracefully tread the path of obedience as her predecessors did — the wives of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam)!

The beauty of ʿĀʾishah’s رضي الله عنها manners as a woman, as a wife — if she was displeased with Prophet Muḥammad , she would simply say “No, by Ibrāhīm’s Lord,” and not  “By Muḥammad’s Lord.” She wouldn’t go beyond this.

This is the mannerisms of the righteous woman, who, by Allāh’s Mercy will be successful in this world and the next.

Indeed, our Prophet is an example for us, it’s been said that the Prophet  said:

“The best of you are those who are the best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives.”
Narrated by al-Tirmidhī, 3895; Ibn Mājah, 1977; classed as ṣaḥīh by Ṣāliḥ in ṣaḥīh al-Tirmidhī.

“Fear Allāh regarding women.”
Narrated by Muslim, 1218

Points of Benefit

We learn from the Prophet’s forbearance with his wives, his justice, the good treatment of his wives, his understanding, fair judgment, and his concern in general for the womenfolk.

The wife’s mannerisms towards her husband: shyness, chastity, her character, and how she must stay away from anything that brings doubt to her character, to avoid suspicion and preserves herself as she represents not only herself but her household too.

This is how Allāh honours the Muslimah. Allāh sent His Messenger a fine example and mercy to mankind to teach us how precious the Muslim woman is, and by His mercy as He did not choose just any woman but he chose the Mother of the Believers to lead examples from us.

The Shaykh concludes his talk by giving advice to the women and the people in general:1

“The Salafī Manhāj is based upon the book of Allāh, the Qurʿān, and the Sunnah of his Messenger according to the understanding of the Salaf, the companions, the Ṣahābah and those who came after them. Whoever calls and propagates to this way will get a great reward from Allāh and many people will be guided through that because it is the truth.

As for how this daʿwah is done between the women then that the first thing, to begin with, is the teaching of tawḥīd, Allāh’s Name and Attributes, and the belief in His Lordship, also to teach how to avoid Shirk. Once can do this by studying/teaching Kitāb al-Tawḥīd you can use the commentaries that have been written by the great scholars after him (Shaykh al-Islām Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Waḥḥāb) such as Fat’ḥ al-Majīd and other commentaries by the past and present ʿUlamāʾ. One should also go through the books of ʿAqīdah, the creed of the Salaf, one can refer themselves to authors such as Shaykh b. Taymīyyah, the great scholars of Sunnah, Shaykh b. Bāz, Shaykh b. al-ʿUthaymīn, may Allāh have mercy on them all.

When teaching the women, one must be given explanations of bidʿah (innovations) and how it should be avoided. If you are able to do this and get an understanding on these type of things then it is okay for you to contact the Scholars if there is any confusion so that you can understand and get further clarification. One can also go on to study fiqh, the regulations of Islām, from things like purification, fasting and other aḥkām of rules and regulations, indeed Allāh’s Messenger  said:

‘And His Angels, the fish in the sea and even the ant, they seek forgiveness for a person who teaches others good!’

May Allāh enable you to be successful and correct in your calling!”

1Transcribed by Umm Safūrā b. As-Sa’adīyyah

Published: May 13, 2015
Edited: August 6, 2022


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