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Nov 14, 2014

Understanding Your Testimony of Faith

 Note: There are some audio quality issues (and missing portions) in this series due to a malfunction of the recording software.

Nov 11, 2014

Do Not Give Your Attention to the Khawārij (Terrorists)

Note: There are some audio quality issues in the first part of this audio due to a malfunction of the recording software.

Nov 9, 2014

Taking Advantage of Your Health and Time

Key Points Stated by the Shaykh Those who take advantage of their health and free time are few in number. As Allāh Subhānahu wa taʿala said: “Very Few of My Servants are Thankful” ( سورة سبإ v.13) Health (الصحة) – Relates to the individual’s body, His five senses, and the intellect Free Time (Al-Farā) – Extra time which is not being utilised The ʿUlamāʾ have mentioned in the explanation of this great Ḥadīth, that the people are in two categories: 1. An individual who is healthy and has free time which he utilizes in the obedience of Allāh Subhānahu wa taʿala. This individual is…

Oct 12, 2014

ʿAqīdah First

This two part set of audio’s titled ʿAqīdah First’ is an essential listen for the beginner to Islām and the one who has been practicing the religion. The Shaykh emphasizes the dire need for the Ummah to recognise and act upon the ʿAqīdah (belief) and Manhaj (methodology) that the Qurʾān and the Sunnah has laid down for the Muslim nation. Shaykh Muḥammad Amān explains that the problems Muslim nations are living through are many and the discussions to solve those problems are many. The problems are at a macro and micro level including; the ways in which the nation is governed and everyt…