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Jan 26, 2014
From the issues discussed: Do not isolate yourself, when the fitan (trials) come, you will not know what to do! The multiplicity of groups and their various methodologies is not from Islām (factionalism) The messenger (sallāllāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) taught us the straight, middle path to follow The divergent paths are exemplified by the deviant groups; the Muslim should seek the Straight Path and maintain upon it The (correct) methodology is one methodology  Questions: [Q1]: Is it allowed for the khaṭīb to appoint someone else to lead the ṣalāh after he gives the khuṭbah? [Q2…

Jan 24, 2014
Almost a year ago (March 2013) we published the audio benefit: Yasir Qadhi Will Separate You From the Scholars.  The audio clip was a prelude of what was to come in the evolution of Yasir Qadhi’s quest to sever all connections between his followers and the Scholars of Islām (the inheritors of the prophets). Cunningly, he employs rhetoric and rationale to persuade his listeners of the need for a new epoch of scholarship, ‘the local scholar for the local Muslim’. As far back as 15 yrs ago, the likes of Yahya Ibrahim (an associate of Qadhi), Muḥammad Syed Adly, Abū Muslimah, Walīd…

Jan 18, 2014
Course List:  Lesson 01: Hadīth #648-649 – The Best Earnings, Forbiddance of Selling Khamr (Intoxicants), Dead Animals, Swine and Idols Lesson 02: Hadīth #650-652 Differing Over a Sale (between the Buyer and Seller), The Prohibited Payment for a Dog and Earnings of a Prostitute and a Soothsayer Lesson 03: Hadīth #654, 655 and 657 – The Various Rulings on a Mouse Falling into Ghī (Solid or Saturated Butter/Shortening), The Inheritance from a Freed Slave and Conditions that Do Not Have a Basis in the Book of Allāh/Sunnah Lesson 4: Hadīth #660, 664, 665 – The Prohibition of Selling Excess Wa…

Jan 10, 2014
Note: this audio has some distortion which we are not able to remove  

Jan 10, 2014
It is the statement of Islām and the key to the Abode of Peace (Paradise) Imām Ibn Qayyim al-JawziyyahIbn al-Qayyim (d. 751AH), may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:1 I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allāh Alone; the One Who has no partner. A declaration by which the heavens and the earth were established, the entire creation was created, and with which Allāh, the Most High, sent His Messengers, revealed His Books, and prescribed Islamic laws. Because of it, the scales were appointed, the records established and the marketplace for Paradise and Hell-Fire was er…

Dec 25, 2013
On Sunday 22nd of December, 2013, the following benefit was published:  In the past, the great scholar of ḥadīth, Shaykh Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī issued some statements in regards to him being called, “Imām of Jarḥ wa-al-Taʿdīl” and being considered a scholar. The noble shaykh, following in the footsteps of great scholars who preceded him like Imām al-Albānī (who called himself a طُويلب –  [just] a small student), negated scholarship for himself and showed dislike for being praised. This is a characteristic of humility and follows in the way of the Sa…

Dec 23, 2013
The purpose of this science (Clarification and Elucidation) is the preservation of the Pure Religion and to know the detrimental mistakes of those who have gone astray with the purpose of staying away from them and remaining upon the Upright Religion. ʿAdnān ibn Muḥammad ʿArʿūr has some statements which should be clarified and explained with their errors mentioned, so as to protect the sunnah from pollution and to preserve the truth. From amongst the statements of ʿAdnān ʿArʿūr are: He was asked in some European countries, about the taking of allegiance for the king that is over us i…

Dec 15, 2013
The correct methodology for every aspect of our life is to return back to the book of Allāh and the Sunnah of his Messenger (ﷺ) Safety will be lost once one forsakes and abandons the Book of Allāh and the Sunnah To desire this safety by returning to the Book of Allāh and the Sunnah necessitates that we seek knowledge, as the followers of the prophets should not be ignorant The Scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets Messengers have been sent with a new book, while Prophets were sent to revitalize the message of the messenger that came before him So the Scholars rev…