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May 31, 2024
قُلْ صَدَقَ اللَّه “Say (O Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) : “Allāh has spoken the truth”” (Āli ʿImrān, 3:95) وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ قِيلًا “Whose words can be truer than those of Allāh? (Of course, none).” (Al-Nisāʾ, 4:122) وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ حَدِيثًا “And who is truer in statement than Allāh?” (Al-Nisāʾ, 4:87) وَلَا يُنَبِّئُكَ مِثْلُ خَبِيرٍ “And none can inform you (O Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)) like Him Who is the All-Knower (of each and everything).” (Al-Fāṭir, 35:14) قُلْ أَأَنتُمْ أَعْلَمُ أَمِ اللَّهُ “Say, “Do you know better or does Allāh (know better)?” (Al-Baq…