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Jun 16, 2007
The position of jurists concerning one who curses the Ṣaḥābah, believing that such an act is permissible, is that he has committed an act of disbelief. If he curses them but does not believe that cursing them is permissible, then he is guilty of immorality, and not disbelief. Aḥmad al-Afghānī [1] Imām ash-Shāfiʿī On one occasion, ash-Shāfiʿī said concerning the Shiʿah, “I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rāfiḍī Shiʿah.” [1] On another occasion he said, “Narrate knowledge from everyone you meet except the Rāfiḍī Shiʿah, because they invent Ḥadīths…

Jun 16, 2007
There is no doubt that the adhkār and supplications are from the best forms of worship. Worship is built upon tawqīf [sticking to what the texts state] and ittibāʾ [following]… Alhamdulillāh was ṣalātu was salāmu ʿalá nabiyyinaa wa habeeibnaa muhammad as salāmu ʿalayhikum 1. Performing dhikr is an action of worship, as such it is to be done in the manner enjoined by the Sharee`ah and it is not allowed to invent new methods of performing it. Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymīyyah said, “there is no doubt that the adhkaar and supplications are from the best forms of worship. Worship is built upon…

Jun 16, 2007
Kabbāni goes to added lengths and extremes in trying to declare this ḥadīth authentic, using some of the same deceptive methods we have seen above – and of course this is not surprising since the innovators of old and new use these sort of methods to spread their deceptions. [TROID :The following article is a decisive refutation of Sayyid Muḥammad Alawi Al Maliki Al Makki] alhamdulillāh was ṣalātu was salāmu ʿalá nabiyyinaa wa habeeibnaa muhammad The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have said on the authority of ʿUmar (radī Allāhu ʿanhu) that “when Ādam committed his mistake he said: O Lord, I a…

Jun 16, 2007
So if Abū al-Ḥasan al-Maʿribī can clarify to us with clear evidences whom he is referring to as Haddādiyyah, since he has described them with these attributes, then we will spare no effort in finding them guilty of Haddādiyyah and we will punish them by writing about them and warning against them and we will place them alongside the Hadādiyyīn without any consideration. Al-ʿAllāmah Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī View/Download | 4 pages   Translated by Maaz Qureshi

Jun 16, 2007
You ask for evidence but even when I do present evidence it seems that you reject it under the pretext that it is Salafīs presenting the evidence! Unfortunately, personal circumstances dictate that I not have much free time anymore, as such I have not had the time to write to the msa net, and I find it sad to spend what free time I can find following up on posts concerning issues that are clear and clarified rather than translate some beneficial works…. >In answer to part two of Refi Shafi’s remarks, here’s a summary of what he >presented against Sibha: >1.One Ḥadīth going to a…

Jun 15, 2007
You would not see a scholar opposing him (Ibn Taymiyyah), dissuading from him, filled with hatred for him, except that he was the most greedy of them in gathering the worldly goods, the most cunning of them in acquiring them, the most ostentatious of them, the most desirous for reputation…and the most prolific of them in having lies on his tongue. Ḥāfiẓ al-Bazzār, depicting the opponents of Ibn Taymiyyah He is the mujtahid and reformer of his age, Aḥmad ibn Abd al-Haleem ibn Abd as-Salām ibn Abd Allāh ibn Abū Qāsim ibn Taymiyyah al-Harraanee Taqi ad-Dīn Abū al-ʿAbbās ibn Shihaab ad-Dī…

Jun 15, 2007
The Shaykh was famous for attending the Ẓāhiriyyah library in Damascus, and was eventually given his own set of keys due to his frequent and lengthy study there. Shaykh al-Albānī has Ijāzāh in ḥadīth from the late ’Allāmah Shaykh Muḥammad Rāghib at-Tabbaagh with whom he studied ḥadīth sciences, gaining authority to transmit from him. The Shaykh himself refers to this Ijāzāh in Mukhtasarul-’Uluww (p. 72) and in Tahdeerus-Saajid (p. 63). He has a further Ijāzāh from Shaykh Bahjatul-Baytaar (through whom his isnād stretches back to Imām Aḥmad). These are mentioned in the book ḥayātul-Albānī (…

Jun 15, 2007
There is no escaping from that we know firstly: Does the description of apostasy apply to them or not? And this requires knowing the evidences which indicate that this saying or action is apostasy, then applying them to an individual, and then, whether this individual has any doubts (which may excuse him) or not? Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīnSo Al-ʿAllāmah Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn said: “And there is a doubt (Subḥah) with many of the youth, which has become firmly and deeply rooted in their minds and it has kindled the issue of revolting against the rulers – and it is…

Jun 15, 2007
But if they will not comply, then they are to be prevented from giving lectures, seminars, khuṭbahs, public lessons, and from making cassettes – in order to protect the society from their errors. May Allāh guide them both, and direct them to right conduct. Shaykh Abū Khadījah<<<In the name of Allāh, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Daarul-Iftaa General Secretariat for the Committee of Major Scholars No. 951/2 Dated: 3/4/1414 H Addenda: 18 + a copy of a book Secret From: ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Ibn ʿAbdullāh Ibn Bāz To the respected royal highness, t…