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Jan 29, 2023
Types of Naṣīḥah: Naṣīḥah Towards Allāh Naṣīḥah for the Book of Allāh Naṣīḥah towards the Prophet (ﷺ) Naṣiḥah for the Leaders of the Muslims Naṣīḥah for the General Populace of Muslims Abū Ruqayyah Tamīm ibn Aws al-Dārī (may Allāh be please with him) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: ​ ‘This religion is naṣīḥah [sincerely desiring that which is good for another]. We said: ‘To whom O Messenger of Allāh?’ He said: ‘To Allāh the Exalted in Might, His Book, His Prophet (ﷺ), to the leaders of the believers and to the general populace.’ Narrated by Muslim [1:74] 1. Naṣīḥah T…

Jan 29, 2023
Allāh said: يَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ “It is You Alone [O Allāh] that we worship and it is You Alone that we ask for help [in Your obedience and in all of our affairs].” [Al-Fātiḥah, 1:5] Imām Mūhammad ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 411 AH) comments: [Q]: If someone was to ask: What is the meaning of Allāh commanding His slaves to seek help from Him in carrying out acts of His obedience? Would it be permissible for Him to order His slaves to be obedient and then not aid them in it? Can a person even utter: “You alone do I seek help from in carrying out acts in Your obedience,” except t…

Jan 26, 2023

Jan 26, 2023
The Issues: Performing Wuḍūʿ: Making the Intention Performing Wuḍūʿ: Completing the Actions in the Prescribed Order Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Ruling on Continuity in the Steps Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Sunnah of Running One’s Fingers Through the Beard When Performing Wudūʾ Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Period of Time One is Allowed to Wipe Over One’s Socks Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Ruling of Wiping Over Thin Socks and Those with Holes Performing Wuḍūʾ: Rulings Related to Injuries Performing Wūḍūʿ:The Wuḍūʾ of One Who Removes His Socks After Wiping Over Them  1. Performing Wūḍūʿ: Maki…