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Jan 26, 2023

Jan 26, 2023
The Issues: Performing Wuḍūʿ: Making the Intention Performing Wuḍūʿ: Completing the Actions in the Prescribed Order Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Ruling on Continuity in the Steps Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Sunnah of Running One’s Fingers Through the Beard When Performing Wudūʾ Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Period of Time One is Allowed to Wipe Over One’s Socks Performing Wuḍūʿ: The Ruling of Wiping Over Thin Socks and Those with Holes Performing Wuḍūʾ: Rulings Related to Injuries Performing Wūḍūʿ:The Wuḍūʾ of One Who Removes His Socks After Wiping Over Them  1. Performing Wūḍūʿ: Ma…

Jan 24, 2023
The General Impermissibility of Facing the Qiblah or Turning One’s Back to It When Answering the Call of Nature It is ḥarām [according to the ḥanbalī madh`hab] to face the qiblah or turn one’s back to it [when answering the call of nature]. [The evidence for this] is the ḥadīth narrated by Abū Ayyūb (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said: ‘Do not face the qiblah or turn your backs to it while urinating or defecating. Rather, face the east or the west.’ Abū Ayyūb said: ‘When we came to al-Shām1, we found the lavatories built facing the Kaʿbah. So we used to turn away from them, and ask All…

Jan 24, 2023
​ The adoption of four characteristics protect a person from Shayṭān and his entry into the Fire becomes forbidden: The one who is able to exert control over himself in the face of desire, terror, lust, and anger.” Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī   [Ibn Rajab comments]: These four (characteristics) are the very foundations of evil in its entirety. Desire As for desire, it is for a soul to incline towards something under the supposition that thing offers the procurement of some benefit. Should a person desire something, this will drive him to seek out the object of his desire by any means necessary p…