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Perennialist Poison In Martin Lings ‘Biography of The Prophet’

Shaykh Abū Bilāl Musṭafá al-Kanadī

A clarification of the infamous biography authored by Martin Lings and distributed worldwide.

Mr. Lings draws heavily on sources which, although ancient, are not fully trustworthy; for example: al-Wājidī’s Maghāzī, and al-Azrajī’s Akhbār Makkah. The former is replete with forged and weak traditions, and its author, al-Wājidī has been unanimously assessed by critics of ḥadīth literature to be rejected as a narrator of traditions

Shaykh Abū Bilāl Musṭafá al-Kanadī (raḥimahullāh)

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Published: June 15, 2007
Edited: December 28, 2022