Qualities the Caller to Allāh Must Have
Al-ʿAllāmah Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyá al-Najmī
He lists many qualities that certain duʿāt of today are lacking. These qualities must be fulfilled for one’s daʿwah to succeed.

Say: This is my path, I call unto Allāh upon clear evidence (baṣīrah), I and those who follow me. And how free is Allāh from all imperfection, and I am not from amongst the polytheists.
Allāh the Exalted said,
“Say: This is my path, I call unto Allāh upon clear evidence (baṣīrah), I and those who follow me. And how free is Allāh from all imperfection and I am not from amongst the polytheists.”
[Sūrah Yūsuf 12:108]
So whomsoever traverses this manhaj, then he is from amongst the successors of the Messengers (ṣalāwāt Allāhī wa salāmuhu ʿalayhim). So it is obligatory upon him that he be described with inward honesty and outward purity.
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