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The Bayqūniyyah Poem in Ḥadīth Terminology

Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

Our elder and teacher, Abū al-ʿAbbās (ḥafiẓahullāh) conducts a workshop that took place in February of 2017 at Masjid al-Furqān (TROID, Toronto, Canada). The event was a hands-on study of the Bayqūniyyah Poem.

Classification of students:

Beginner: Cannot read Arabic, or has not reviewed the 2007 course or studied Mustalah.

Intermediate: Limited Arabic skills, has reviewed the 2007 course or studied Mustalah previously.

Advanced: Fluent or good working Arabic skills, knows basic ḥadīth terms, knows some ḥadīth books and authors, understands the ideas of chains, has read/heard some research in ḥadīth criticism, has memorized Bayqūniyyah poem or can read it well.

Materials: Homework 1 (after Session 2) 
Beginners: Identifying the Matn vs. Isnad, the 10 imams, the six books, 
Intermediate: Mapping chains practice, connections between three ḥadīths (three practice trials from Bukhārī, Aḥmad, al-Jāmiʿ al-Saghīr, highlights the difference in organization of those books) Advanced: Learning to use al-Taqrīb

Short Project 1 (after Session 3) 
Beginners: Identifying chains by their ends: Marfūʿ, Maqtūʿ, or mowqūf 
Intermediate: Choosing 3 ḥadīths, mapping the chains 
Advanced: Using Taqrīb to identify 10 chains as marfūʿ, maqtūʿ or mowqūf

Published: January 5, 2018
Edited: March 12, 2022

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