The Conclusive Ruling upon Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh
Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān
So in this book, he collected and explained the reality of this group from its own books and from trustworthy witnesses from its own members who attained special positions in their program and their followers, and refuted them.
[Q]: The Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh says, ‘We wish to traverse the methodology of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah.’ However, some of them may have errors. So they say, ‘How can you make a judgment upon us and warn against us?’
[A]: Those who traveled with the Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh and studied them have written against them. So they wrote of many errors that they have. So it is upon you to read what has been written about them, so that the ruling concerning them may become clear to you.2 The praise is for Allāh, that Allāh sustained us against having to follow so and so and such and such. So we have the path of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah, we adhere to it strictly. Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh, or other than at-Tableegh is not binding upon us. We are not in need of this, since what is there after the truth, except falsehood? As for their true state of affairs, then indeed many books have been written against them; review them and know them well. Those who wrote against them are those who went along, traveled, and mixed with them. Then they wrote against them after knowing them well and being upon clarity with regards to them.3
[1] The following is taken from al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah (p. 14-16); Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Ibn Fawzān said on (p. E) of this book, “The praise is for Allāh, and may Prayers and Peace be upon our Prophet, Muḥammad, and upon his Family and his Companions. To Proceed: So I approve the publishing of al-Ajwibatul-Mufeedah ’an As‘ilatil-Manaahijil-Jadeedah which contains my answers and notes from the brother, Jamāl Ibn Fareehaan al-Ḥārithee. And I hope that it is of benefit in explaining aspects of the truth that have been hidden from some of people today. And may the Prayers and Peace of Allāh be upon our Prophet, Muḥammad, his Family and his Companions. Signed: Ṣāliḥ Ibn Fawzān Ibn ʿAbdullāh al-Fawzān 18/4/1417.”
[2] From the which has been written about al-Firqatut-Tableegh (the sect of Tableegh) and which has clarified their way is the book, Haqeeqatud-daʿwah ilAllāhi Ta’aʿalá of the noble Shaykh, Sa’d Ibn ’Abdur-Raḥmān al-Husayn – hafiẓahullāh – which I have done a checking for, and which has been published at the expenses of the noble Shaykh, Faalih Ibn Naafi’ al-Ḥarbī. So there occurs upon (p. 70) of the first edition, with regards to the statement, Lā ilāha illā-Allāh (There is none worthy of worship besides Allāh) according to al-Firqatut-Tableegh, “It is to take out the evil certainty of the heart, and to enter true certainty upon Allāh Himself. It is to have certainty that there is no creator besides Allāh, nor is there any sustainer besides Allāh, nor is there any manager of affairs besides Allāh.” So this does not go beyond Tawḥīd al-Rubūbiyyah (Oneness of Allāh in His Lordship) which was affirmed by the pagans in the time of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam), yet they were not entered into Islām. And he also said upon (p. 70), “Their creed is that of the Hanafiyyah in terms of a madh′hab of fiqh (jurisprudence); Ashʿariyyah, Maatureediyyah in terms of creed; and Jishtiyyah, Naqshbandiyyah, Qaadiriyyah, Sahrawardiyyah in terms of a way of tasawwuf.”
Shaykh Hamood Ibn ʿAbdullāh at-Tuwayjiree (d.1413H) – raḥimahullāh – wrote a book about them which is unique in its topic, and it is vast with regards to what is contains pertaining to this firqah (sect). So in this book, he collected and explained the reality of this group from its own books and from trustworthy witnesses from its own members who attained special positions in their program and their followers, and refuted them. So this book has been published – and the praise is for Allāh – under the title, al-Qawlul-Baleegh fit-Tahdheer min Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh. And Muḥammad Aslam – raḥimahullāh – wrote a book against them, he was on of their members from Pakistan, then he graduated from the Islamic University of al-Madīnatul-Munawwarah. And Shaykh, Dr. Muḥammad Taqiyy al-Dīn al-Hilālee (d.1408H) – raḥimahullāh – wrote against them in his book, as-Siraajul-Muneer fī Tanbeeh Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh ʿalá Akhtaa‘ihim, and it is the vastest of what has been written against al-Firqatut-Tableegh and it is a commentary upon the book of Muḥammad Aslam. Indeed this clarified the reality of their affair for many of those who had been deceived by them, so they left them and warned against them. It is enough of censure for them that they do not give importance to the call to Tawḥīd. Rather, they oppose it and those who call to it.
[3] Translator’s Note: Imām ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Ibn Bāz (d.1420H) – raḥimahullāh – was asked, ‘The ḥadīth of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) concerning the division of the Ummah, “My Ummah will soon split up into seventy-three sects…” So is the Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh, along with what they have of acts of Shirk and innovation, and likewise the Ikhwānul-Muslimīn, along with what they have of ḥizbiyyah (partisanship), splitting the ranks, using force against the Muslim rulers, and not listening and obeying; so do these two sects enter into that?’ So the Noble Shaykh replied, “They enter into the seventy-two (misguided) sects. Whoever opposes the ʿaqīdah (creed) of Ahl al-Sunnah enters into seventy-two sects. The intent behind his saying, “My Ummah…” means the Ummah that has responded to his call. Meaning they have responded to the call and have made apparent their following of him., and they are the seventy-three sects. The saved and secure one is the one which follows him and shows steadfastness (istiqāmah) upon his Religion. And as for the seventy-two sects, amongst them is the disbeliever, the sinner, and the innovator; they are of various types.” The questioner then said, ‘Meaning these two sects (the Ikhwān and the Tableegh) are included within those seventy-two sects?’ The Shaykh replied, “Yes, from those seventy-two sects. And so are the Murjī‘ah and others. The Murjī‘ah and Khawārij, some of the people consider to be from amongst the disbelievers. However, they are actually from the generality of the seventy-two sects.” From the cassette Sharḥul-Muntaqaa, in Taa‘if in the year 1418H.
Prepared by Jamāl Ibn Fareehaan al-Ḥārithee
Translated by Maaz Qureshi [1]