[Q1]: I live beside a masjid (IMO) which is a Ṣūfī hanafī masjid, is it obligatory for me to pray my ṣalāt at Masjid al-Furqān?
[Q2]: There are some sisters and brothers who visit TROID for a lecture then they go to ḥizbī masājid for other talks, i.e. “Masjid Hopping”
[Q3]: There are some who took part in a fitnah here some years ago, they occasionally come by, when they are encouraged to make tawbah and bayān (clarification/retraction of those harms), they say tawbah is for Allāh (refusing to make open clarification)!
[Q4]: What do you advise the brothers and sisters with in terms of seeking knowledge?
[Q5]: If someone does not avoid the people of innovation, even if they ascribe to Salafīyyah, should we boycott them?
[Q6]: There are gatherings that take place in masājid that do not return to the scholars (of today), but they read from the books of the salaf…?
[Q7]: What advice do you have for a student who wants to study but it having a hard time getting into the Islamic universities?
[Q8]: Can a woman travel without a maḥram to see her mother, if she hasn’t seen her for a long time?