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There Are No Scholars in the West

Shaykh Abū Uways

A hearty blow to one of the most scandalous misconceptions disseminated by ahl al-bidʿah. In this response (1999) to Abū Muslimah and Muḥammad Saʿīd ʿAdlī’s proposed leadership (scholarship) of communities in America, Abu ʿUways (raḥimahullāh) stands tall against this conspiracy. The false claim that someone from the West is an Islamic scholar was spread vigorously in the past decade with the intention of disconnecting the general Muslims from the Scholars of Islām, therefore, breaking the link between the Muslims and the ‘Inheritors of the Prophets’; a deadly misguidance which kept many away from the clarity of the scholars, in effect, disconnecting them from the Sunnah and the sources of the Sunnah (the scholars).

Several years on, this brave speech is indicative of the bravery and love our brother (raḥimahullāh) had for the Sunnah and its people. The affairs of Abū Muslimah became clear due to the efforts of Abū ʿUways and others, however, this talk was a catalyst in clarifying the affair and drumming into the minds of the listener the status of the ʿUlamāʾ and the ḥizbiyyah of this once famous and popular speaker (Abū Muslimah). Many others followed Abū ʿUway’s lead but it was this talk that paved the way and this type of courage has been rarely seen against ḥizbiyyah in the years which have followed in our lands.

Published: June 14, 2007
Edited: May 25, 2022

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