Uncovering the Hidden Ḥizbī, Abū Muslimah ʿAbdullāh Tawfīq, Imām of Masjid Ahl al-Sunnah
The first of a multi-part series exposing the many manhaj errors of Abū Muslimah ʿAbdullāh Tawfīq – whose hizbiyyah has remained hidden from the majority of the common-folk in the west for way too long. This article deals with Abū Muslimah’s view that any speech against him and his centre is speech against the truth itself! Also, his feeble attempts to separate the Scholars of Salafiyyah from this blessed da’wah.
Sallām ibn Mutī’ said, ‘A man said to Ayyūb al-Sakhtiyānī, ‘O Abā Bakr, ʿAmr ibn ʿUbayd has turned back from his opinion!!’ He said, ‘He has not turned back.’ He said, ‘Indeed, O Abā Bakr, he has turned back!’ Ayyūb said, ‘He has not turned back – three times – he has not turned back. Have you not heard his ﷺ saying, ‘They shoot out from the Religion just as the arrow shoots through the prey, then they do not return to it until the arrow returns to the bow string.
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