The Sunnah unifies; it is coupled with coming together just as bidʿah is coupled with disunity and splitting.
The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said, “Islām began as something strange and it shall return to being something strange so give glad tidings to the strangers.” When we gather together upon the same manhaj and ʿaqīdah, regardless if we know each other or not, we feel like brothers (and sisters) and like we’ve known each other for years. This is the beauty of being upon the Sunnah.
Allāh has blessed Ahl al-Sunnah in every time and in every place with the desire to be together and with recognizing that they are different from the people around them.
When the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) was asked who the strangers were, he said that “they are a group of righteous people small in number in a society of evil-doers that is much larger in number than them.”
The conflict between truth and falsehood started with Iblis refusing to obey Allāh when he was told to bow down to Prophet Ādam (ʿalayhi al-sallam). From since then, there has been a conflict between Ādam and his offspring and Iblis and his group.
The Salaf used to constantly ask Allāh to make them die upon Islām and the Sunnah.
The love you find among Ahl al-Sunnah you will never find anywhere else so be glad to be from the strangers.