The Story of the Man Who Attended the Janāzah of Bishr al-Marīsī
When Bishr ibn Ghiyāth al-Marīsī died, not a single person from the people of knowledge and Sunnah attended his janāzah except for ʿUbayd al-Shūnīzī. So when he returned from the janāzah of al-Marīsī, Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamāʿah confronted him.
They said: O enemy of Allāh! You claim to be upon the Sunnah and the Jamāʾah but you attend the janāzah of al-Marīsī?
He replied: Allow me respite until I inform you! I have never attended a janāzah in which I hoped for [so much] reward as this janāzah. When he [Bishr al-Marīsī] was placed in the designated place for the janāzah, I stood up in the row and said:
O Allāh! This slave of yours used to disbelieve in [the believers] seeing you in the hereafter. O Allāh, blind him from seeing your face on the day the believers will see you.
O Allāh! This slave of yours used to disbelieve in the punishments of the grave. O Allāh, punish him this day—in his grave—with a punishment you have never punished anyone from the creation with.
O Allāh! This slave of yours used to disbelieve in the mīzān [scale]. O Allāh, lighten his scale on the Day of Judgement.
O Allāh! This slave of yours used to disbelieve in al-shafāʿah [intercession], O Allāh, let not anyone from your creation intercede for him on the Day of Judgement.
So upon hearing this, they [Ahl al-Sunnah] remained silent [i.e. they let him be] and laughed.
Source: Tārīkh Baghdād lil Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī, Tarjamat Bishr al-Marīsī al-Jahmī, Volume #7, Pg. 66.
Translated by: Munīb al-Ṣumālī