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Fiqh Course: A Guide to Fasting

Shaykh Mūsá Richardson

From the 2008 TROID Summer Courses, 12 lectures focused on The Book of Fasting from Sunan Abī Dāwūd and Imām Ibn Bāz’s Rulings on Fasting (Majmūʿ al-Fatāwī)

From the set of Islamic Courses aimed at educating the Muslims about core aspects of their religion, conducted June 30th-July 24th, 2008 at TROID, Toronto, Canada. Mūsá Richardson was an American Post-Graduate Student from Umm al-Qurá University in Makkah, Saudi al-ʿArabīa. His works are available in-print with TROID Publications and online at

Course List:

MR23.1 The Book of Fasting (Sunan Abī Dāwūd) and Majmūʿ al-Fatāwī of Ibn Bāz (chapters of fasting: Fiqh Course Introduction, How Fasting Became Obligatory)

MR23.2 When a Month is 29 Days, the Day of Shak (Doubt), the reward of 29 or 30 days in Ramaḍān, Global Moon Sightings vs. Local Moon Sightings, The Beginning of the Fasting Day, The Issues of Ṣuhūr

MR23.3 The Time of Breaking the Fast and its Various Issues

MR23.4 Backbiting whilst Fasting, Using the Miswāk, The Ruling on Toothpaste, Dental Work, Eye-Drops, Ear-Drops and Nose-Drops

MR23.5 The Fasting Person having an Emission (wet-dream), Ḥijāmah (Cupping) whilst Fasting, Using Kuhl, Vomiting Intentionally, Eating/Drinking Forgetfully, Inhaling Water during Wuḍūʾ

MR23.6 A Woman Experiencing a Wet-Dream in Ramaḍān, Kissing One’s Spouse (Intimately) whilst Fasting, The Disliked Nature of this for a Young Man, The ruling on Madhī (pre- ejaculatory fluid) for the Male/Female, Does being in Janābah (a state of impurity) prevent the Beginning of a Fast? The Expiation of a man who had Intercourse with His Wife in Ramaḍān, Masturbation during Ramadān? Intercourse with a Wife who is Fasting (for the non-fasting man)?

MR23.7 The Position of the Imāms of the Salaf Concerning Making up a Fast, Food left Behind in Ones Teeth after Beginning the Fast, Those who are Exempt from Fasting, Fasting for the Pregnant or Breast-Feeding Woman, Brushing Ones Teeth after Beginning the Fast, Those who are Except from Fasting

MR23.8 The Rulings Concerning Fasting Whilst Travelling: What is considered Travelling? When does one become a Traveller? When Does One Break Ones Fast for Such a Reason? Concerning the Comfort of Modern Day Transportation (i.e. Aeroplanes)? Can we break our fasts due to an Exam?

MR23.9 The Menstruating/Post-Natal Bleeding Woman and the Rulings Concerning Fasting, Days were Fasting is Prohibited: The Two ʿĪds, The Days of Tashrīk, Fasting on Friday/Saturday

MR23.10 The Days Where Fasting is Prohibited cont. The Recommendation of Fasting the Six Days of Shawwāl

MR23.11 Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, Fasting During the Ten Days of Dhū al-Hijjah, Fasting on the Day of  ʿArafāt (whilst on Ḥajj)

MR23.12 A Woman Fasting without the Permission of Her Husband, A Fasting Person Being Invited to a Walīmah (and the Conditions of Accepting Wedding Invitations)

Published: July 24, 2012
Edited: January 23, 2022

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