Giving Daʿwah and Teaching in the Masjids, Institutes and Centres of the People of Innovation
Al-ʿAllāmah ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-ʿAbbād

…So long as he is able to speak and clarify the Sunnah. As for if he speaks about something which they desire for him to speak about or something they want, then do not go.
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-‘Abbad (حفظه الله) was asked on February 21st 2016:
“What is the ruling on teaching or giving daʿwah in the masjids of the people of innovation or in their centres [marākiz]?”1
The Shaykh (حفظه الله) responded by saying:
“Giving daʿwah in the masjids of the people of the Sunnah is what is required. [However] if he goes to them [i.e. the people of innovation] and delivers a speech where there is in it clarification of the Sunnah and [in it] is clarification of the dangers of innovation, then this is good. This is so, so long as he is able to speak and clarify the Sunnah. As for if he speaks about something which they desire for him to speak about or something they want, then do not go.”
Translator’s note:
The Shaykh (حفظه الله) mentions here several points of benefit, from them:
The general principle is that the Salafī does not give daʿwah, whether it be lectures, talks, khuṭbahs and other than that in the masjids, institutes and centers of the people of innovation.
It is not permissible for the salafī to attend such places for daʿwah purposes except after several conditions are fulfilled.
1) He is well grounded in knowledge. This condition was elicited from the following statements:
Firstly, his statement: “…speech where there is in it clarification of the Sunnah and [in it] is clarification of the dangers of innovation.”
Secondly: His statement: “This is so, so long as he is able to speak and clarify the Sunnah,” since clarification of the Sunnah and the dangers of innovation requires knowledge.
2) He is given free rein to speak about what he desires and hence he is not confined by the administration to speak about topics they desire. This condition was deduced from his statement: “As for if he speaks about something which they desire for him to speak about or something they want, then do not go.”
3) If he goes to them, he must speaks out and clarify the innovations and errors that the members of the masjid, institute or center are afflicted with.
This condition was elicited from his statement: “If he goes to them and delivers a speech where there is in it clarification of the Sunnah and [in it] is a clarification of the dangers of innovation, then this is good.” His statement: “This is so, so long as he is able to speak and clarify the sunnah” further supports this, and Allāh knows best.
[1]: Source: باب في فضل الحب في الله من صحيح مسلم
Translated by: Abū Wāʾil Musa Shaleem
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