Loving and Hating for the Sake of Allāh
Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣālīḥ al-Fawzān
[Q]: What does it mean to love for the sake of Allāh and to hate for the sake of Allāh?
[A]: “Its meaning is that you do not love a person except for the sake of Allāh. You shouldn’t love someone because he gave you some wealth or that he benefited you in a worldly matter, rather you should love him because he is a righteous person.
Likewise, hating for the sake of Allāh is not hating the one who has not given you anything, rather it is hating [for the sake of Allāh], the one who opposes obedience to Allāh and the one who is an enemy to Allāh. These are the reasons to hate someone. You don’t hate someone because he hasn’t given you anything or because there is a feud between the both of you and the likes of this.”
Source: ما معنى الحب في الله، والبغض في الله
Translated by: Munīb al-Ṣumālī