News Archive
Jul 18, 2023
Gratefulness to Allāh for His Bounties Is Itself a Bounty
Imām Ibn Rajab (d. 795 AH) said:
If Allāh guides one of His servants to thank Him for the bounties He has chosen to bestow on him in this worldly life by means of his saying: الحمد لله (all praise be to Allāh), or by some other means of showing gratefulness to Him, then [the gratitude he has shown] will be considered superior to the bounty for which he is showing gratefulness. This gratitude is more beloved to Allāh as He loves those who praise Him. He is pleased with His slave who eats a meal and finishes it by praising Him. Or drinks a beverage and praises Him for it. For the commemorati…
Jul 18, 2023
Is Semen Considered Impure (Najs)?
Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn (d. 1421 AH) said:
The semen of the sons of Ādam is considered pure. ‘Semen’ refers to the thick fluid that is excreted from a male in response to sexual arousal. Allāh—the Most High—has described it in His saying:
أَلَمْ نَخْلُقكُّم مِّن مَّاءٍ مَّهِينٍ
“Did We not create you from worthless water (semen, etc.)?”
(al-Mursalāt, 77: 20)
This water or fluid (i.e. semen) is thick to where it does not flow easily as opposed to water that does flow and move which would not be considered worthless [due to its use in washing and drinking]. This [thick] fluid …
Jul 18, 2023
Is Blood Considered Impure (Najs)?
Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn (d. 1421 AH) said:
The Opinion of the Ḥanbalī Madh`hab
According to the Ḥanabalī madh`hab, a small quantity of blood1 may be overlooked should it drop on a material. The exception to this is if that blood, even a small amount, is to drop onto a solid or liquid substance meant for consumption. Liquid is anything that flows easily like water, milk, or gravy. Examples of solid substances meant for consumption are bread and its likeness. Other than these two classes, a small quantity of blood may be overlooked. So, if a small amount of blood should fall on, …
Jul 18, 2023
How to Ask About the Defects of a Woman?
From the course entitled: Fiqh Course: Marriage and Divorce (الملخص الفقهي), during the 1439 | 2018 Islamic Summer Courses.
Jul 18, 2023
The Sayings of the Scholars Regarding Celebrating Birthdays
[Q]: My son currently resides with his mother who throws him a birthday party annually. This consists of food and [cake with] candles whose number matches his age where each candle represents a year. The child blows them out and the party begins. What is the ruling of this from a legislative standpoint?
[A]: It is impermissible to throw a birthday party for anyone. As it has been confirmed that the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Whoever innovates in this affair [religion] that which is not from it shall have it rejected.”1 Also, it represents a means of imitating the disbelievers in…
Jul 18, 2023
Mentioning Allāh in this World and Its Benefits
The benefits are excerpted from the lecture entitled: 14 Great Benefits of the Remembrance of Allāh, a lecture overviewing the 1439 | 2018 Islamic Summer Courses, ʿAqidah Stream.
Jul 18, 2023
The Dowry: Make It Reasonable, Don’t Delay It
From the course entitled: Fiqh Course: Marriage and Divorce (الملخص الفقهي), during the 1439 | 2018 Islamic Summer Courses.