Shaykh Rabīʿ on the Mashāyikh of Madīnah and Salafi Publications
Shaykh ʿAbdu-Ilāh Lahmāmī
On 24 Rabīʿ 1433, corresponding to Thursday 16th February 2012, Allāh blessed us to visit Shaykh Rabīʿ ibn Hādī al-Madhkhali. I prayed the Maghrib prayer with the Shaykh along with other brothers, mainly from North Africa. Some of the students, I recognized, were studying at the Islamic University of Madinah or the Prophet’s mosque (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam). The shaykh said, come to the house so we all entered his house. We sat down and waited for him to come from the other door. When he came, he gave salām and asked how was Shaykh ʿʿUbayd al-Jābiri? I said that alhamdulilāh he was well mā shāʾ Allāh. He asked the other brothers as to where they were from. He asked about their countries and their daʿwah. Then he asked about the teachers in these countries and what were they teaching.
The shaykh gave some advice concerning Ikhlās (sincerity) and Taqwa (piety). He also spoke of holding firm onto the rope of Allāh and not to be divided. The shaykh mentioned that we should advise each other wanting good for our brothers. The shaykh said that we should be brothers for the sake of Allāh. He warned from falling into the corrupt methodologies such as in our current time, into the dangers of the new principles laid down by Abū al Ḥasan and lately ‘Ali Ḥasan. One of the new false principles that some of these invented was the methodology of ‘La Yalzamoni’ meaning ‘it doesn’t concern me so that they don’t have to clarify their mistakes and repent. He said that this is similar to the way of the disbelievers, who say it is not incumbent to clarify, so they can do as they wish. Then the shaykh called his driver to prepare tea for everyone.
When it was time for ṣalāh al ʿIshāʾ, I went to the prayer with the shaykh. After ṣalāh al ʿIshāʾ, I spoke with the shaykh briefly and as I was about to leave, the shaykh called me back and said that he was very busy writing up something (turned out it was in defense of Imam Bukhārī raḥimahullāh against what ‘Ali Ḥasan attributed to Imam Bukhārī that he has statements similar to the Murjī’a but we don’t call him Murjī – put up earlier today 2nd Rabīʿ 2 1433 – Friday 24th February). He said, “the library is open if you want to use it; you are welcome to stay and if you want you can also sleep over.” Mā shāʾ Allāh, Allāhuma Bārik, the shaykh showed such beautiful manners. I decided to benefit from his library and went downstairs. After about an hour, I was about to leave but the driver said that the shaykh said no one leaves until they have had dinner. He called us up and we sat at the sufrah mā shāʾ Allāh. He asked about the durūs in Madinah, he said give salām to Shaykh ʿʿUbayd al-Jābiri, Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Hādī and Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Al-Bukhārī, mentioning them by name. He asked about their efforts in Madinah. I said to him that Shaykh ʿʿUbayd teaches Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī in Masjid Dhu Nurayn near the Prophet’s mosque (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) and that about a few hundred people attend. I mentioned that Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Hādī teachers ‘Ma’aarij Al-Qubool’ on Sundays and his masjid is always full mā shāʾ Allāh. He asked where was shaykh Muḥammad in the book? I replied that he was explaining the ḥadīth of Jibril (ʿalayhi salām). I also mentioned that shaykh ʿAbdullāh Al-Bukhārī was teaching Uṣūl Thalatha and ‘Umdat al-Aḥkām.
The shaykh was happy and then commented that the sign of the people on the truth is they concentrate on books of the scholars of the past and in particular ʿAqīdah. He then asked about the daʿwah in the UK and he said if some brothers are still warning against the brothers at Maktaba Salafīyyah, he will personally address it and speak to those concerned not to warn against their brothers from Ahlu Sunnah. The shaykh advised that there should not be discord between the Salafīs. Advice is one thing and is welcomed from any person without dishonouring and defaming one’s brother. May Allāh rectify the affairs and forgive us our shortcomings. Finally, after dinner, he said, “give my salām to the mashaayikh.”
I sought permission to leave and made duʿāʾ for the shaykh and left after saying the salām. May Allāh aid us in that which benefits and benefit us with that which we have learnt. Amīn.
Note from Abū Khadījah:
This in shāʾ Allāh puts an end to the warnings that are being made against the Mashayikh of Madinah and the Maktabah. One should pay no attention to those who try to divide the ranks of Ahl al-Sunnah by speaking ill of those who love and call to the Sunnah. Cling, brothers and sisters, to this beautiful advice of ‘Allāmah Rabīʿ al-Madkhalī (hafiẓahullāh) in pursuing and acting upon knowledge, in loving the People of Sunnah and their Scholars – and also being upon clarity with regard to the callers to misguidance, being cautious of them and the false principles they call to. And we ask Allāh for security from fitan.