There Are No Parties in Islām
Shaykh Muḥammad Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī
The people used to ask the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ about the good things; but I used to ask him about the evil things, fearing that they may overtake me.
This is a ḥadīth of great value. It is a sign of the Prophethood of Muḥammad ﷺ, and that he provided the advice to this Ummah (nation). This Muslims are in great need for this ḥadīth in order to end the dissension and partisanship that has divided, disunited, and weakened them. This has led to their enemies overpowering them, in conformation of the warning of Allāh the Mighty and Majestic:
‘‘Do not differ lest you lose and your power parts from you.’’
[Sūrah-al-Anfāl 8:46]
Asking About Evil
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) reported:
‘‘The people used to ask the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ about the good things; but I used to ask him about the evil things, fearing that they may overtake me.’’
The First Evil After Islām
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘So I said, O Messenger of Allāh! We had lived in the times of ignorance (jāhilīyyah) and evil; then Allāh granted us this excellence which we are enjoying, and He has sent you. Will there be, after this excellence, any evil like that which has preceded?’’ He replied:
‘‘Yes, O Hudhayfah! Learn the Book of Allāh and follow what is in it! Learn the Book of Allāh and follow what is in it! Learn the Book of Allāh and follow what is in it!’’
I asked him, ‘What is the way for protection from it?’ He replied: ‘‘The Sword!’’
Qatādah (raḥimahullāh) said:
‘‘This refers to the group who became apostates Islām after the passing of the Prophet ﷺ, during the rule of Abū Bakr as-Siddīq (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu).’’2
The Tainted Good
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘Will there be any good remaining after that evil and fighting?’ He replied:
‘‘Yes, there will be a leadership and Jamāʿah (group) accompanied with dirt (corruption). And there will be a treaty upon taint (hatred).’’
I asked, ‘What is that dirt?’ He replied:
‘‘Leaders following ways other than my Sunnah, and guided by other than my guidance. You will approve of some of their actions and disapprove of others. There will arise from amongst them men whose hearts are the hearts of devils in human bodies.’’
I asked, ‘What is the tainted treaty?’ He replied:
‘‘The hearts of many people will not go back to that (love) whereupon they had previously been.’’
The Second Evil
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘Will there be any evil after that good?’ He replied:
‘‘Yes, there will be a blind and deaf fitnah (turbulence); callers to the gates of Hell. Whoever responds to their invitation, they cast him into it.’’
I said, ‘O Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, describe them to us.’ He replied:
‘‘They are from our own skin and they speak our tongue.’’
The Fitnah in the Presence of the Caliph
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhuʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, what do you command me with if that should happen during my lifetime?’’ He replied:
‘‘If you find at that time a Caliph for Allāh upon the earth, then adhere to the Jamāʿah of the Muslims and their Imām. Listen to the leader and obey him, even if he whipped your back and took away your wealth – listen and obey.’’
The Fitnah in the Absence of the Caliph
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘What if they (the Muslims) did not have a Jamāʿah, nor an Imām?’ He replied:
‘‘Desert all of those parties and run away over the earth. It would be better for you, O Hudhayfah, to die whilst you bite onto the branch of a tree, than to follow any of them.’’
Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar reported al-Tabarī as saying:
‘‘This ḥadīth indicated that when the people divide into parties in the absence of a leader, no particular group should be followed. If one can, he should desert all the parties for fear of falling into evil.’’
The Dajjāl
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘What is next?’ He replied:
‘‘Then the Dajjāl (anti-Christ) will come out.’’
I asked, ‘What will he bring with him?’
‘‘He will bring with him a river of water and a fire. Whoever enters his river will lose his rewards and earn his burden (of sins). And whoever enters his fire will earn his reward and drop his burden (of sins).’’
The End
Hudhayfah (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhu) continued:
‘‘I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, what comes after the Dajjāl?’ He replied:
‘‘ʿĪsá, the son of Maryam.’’ I asked, ‘Then what will come?’ He replied:
‘‘Then if a mare delivers, its colt will not be mounted until the Hour arrives.’’
[1] This long and important ḥadīth is included in Silsilah al-Aḥādīth al-Ṣaḥīḥah (6/2739) by al-Albānī. It is a compilation of several reports recorded by al-Bukhārī, Muslim, and Abū ’Uwaanah, and Abū Dāwūd, and others.
[2] Related in al-Mirqaah (5/143).
Translated by ‘Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad