What To Do If One Drops One’s Belongings During Prayer
Imām Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn

[Q]: O Eminent Shaykh, a man praying al-Ṣalāh al-Ẓuhr drops his handkerchief while he is standing so he bends down and grabs the handkerchief, is his prayer invalidated by this movement?
[A]: Yes, his prayer is invalidated by this movement; because when he makes Rukoo’ he bends down until he reaches the point of the Rukoo’, but he has (now) increased the Rukoo’ (i.e. gone past the Rukoo’ point to grab his handkerchief or added another Rukoo’). However, if he has done so out of ignorance then there is nothing upon him due to the generality of His, Exalted be He, statement: “Our Lord, punish us not if we forget or fall into error.” [Sūrah al-Baqarah 2: 286]
Due to this, if you drop a handkerchief or key while you are standing in prayer then leave it until you reach it in sujūd or pick it up with your foot. If you are able to stand on one foot, then get it with your foot then grab it (from your foot) with your hand. As for the person bending down to grab it from the ground wherein the rukūʿ would be closer to it than the qiyām, then this is not permissible.
Source: sahab.net
Translated by: Raha ʿAzīzuddīn Batts
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