From the Deviations of the Rāfiḍah in Tawḥīd al-Rubūbiyyah
Shaykh ʿAli al-Ḥaddādī

Take note of his statement in the narration: “Stand by the permission of Allāh and the permission of Jaʿfar ibn Muḥammad.” So they make Jaʿfar to be a rival with Allāh, the Exalted, that he brings the dead to life by his own permission just as Allāh brings the dead to life by His Permission. They have other narrations concerning their Imāms bringing the dead to life wherein there is no mention of Allāh at all! I have declined to mention them so as to keep the discussion short.
The Rāfidah deviated far astray in the sphere of Tawḥīd al-Rubūbiyyah (Oneness of Allāh’s Lordship) even though it is the Tawḥīd which all of the previous nations confirmed. What clarifies that is that we, Ahl al-Sunnah, believe that Allāh the Exalted alone is the Creator and that He alone is the Controller of the Affairs of the whole universe; as Allāh the Exalted said:
“All the Praise is for Allāh, Lord of the ʿĀlamīn (everything that exists).”
[Sūrah al-Fātiḥah, 1:2]
And as He, the Exalted, has said:
“He manages and regulates every affair…”
[Sūrah al-Sajdah, 32:5]
And He, the Exalted has said:
“Say: O Allāh, Owner of the Dominion, You give the dominion to whom You wish and you take the dominion from whom you wish; You give honor to whom You wish and you disgrace whom you wish. In Your Hand is the good. Verily You are Able to do all things. You make the night to enter into the day and you make the day to enter into the night; You bring the living out of the dead and You bring to dead out of the living, and You provide for whom you wish without any reckoning.”
And Allāh said concerning the polytheists of old:
“Say: Whose is the earth and whosoever is therein, if you know? They will say: ‘It is Allāh’s.’ Say: Will you not then remember? Say: Who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne? They will say: ‘Allāh.’ Say: Will you not then fear Allāh? Say: In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything; He protects while against Him there is no protector, if you know? They will say: ‘(All that belongs)to Allāh.’ Say: How then are you deluded away from the truth?”
[Sūrah al-Muʿminūn, 23: 84-89]
In spite of this, we find within the beliefs of the Rāfidah, ascription of the dominion and regulation of affairs to some of the creation, such as ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib, may Allāh be pleased with him. Al-Kulaynee narrated under the Chapter: The Entire Earth Belongs to the Imām; on the authority of Abū ‘ʿAbdillāh, that he said: “Do you not know that this dunyā and the next life (both) belong to the Imām. He distributes it wherever he wills and he gives it to whom he wills.” [al-Kāfī 1/409]
And from that which emphasizes their equating of their Imāms with Allāh the Exalted and deifying them, is that which they have concocted within their books and attributed to their Imāms, from giving life to the dead. Al-Majlisee narrated in al-Bahaar on the authority of Sa’d al- Qumee that: Abū al-Fadl Dukkayn said: Muḥammad ibn Rāshid informed me on the authority of his grandfather who said: “I questioned Ja’far ibn Muḥammad (upon them both be peace) the ʿAllāmah. He said: ‘Ask me what you wish and I shall inform you if Allāh wills.’ So I said: A brother has departed. Meaning he is dead in this grave. So he commanded him to come back to life and said: ‘What is his name?’ I said: Aḥmad. He said: ‘O Aḥmad, stand by the permission of Allāh and by the permission of Ja’far ibn Muḥammad.’ So he stood up and came to him.”[Bahaar al-Anwaar 47/137]
Take note of his statement in the narration: “Stand by the permission of Allāh and the permission of Ja’far ibn Muḥammad.” So they make Ja’far to be a rival with Allāh the Exalted, who brings the dead to life by his own permission just as Allāh brings the dead to life by His Permission. They have other narrations concerning their Imāms bringing the dead to life wherein there is no mention of Allāh at all! I have declined to mention them so as to keep the discussion short. (See: ‘Alā Sabīlil-Mithaal Basaa’ir ad-Darajaat pg. 293, Bahaar al-Anwaar 47/111)
This ʿaqīdah continues to exist amongst them to this day of ours. For al-Khomeni said: “Verily the Imām has a praiseworthy station (Maqaaman Maḥmūdan), a special rank and universal khilāfah given due to its wilāyah and rule over all the molecules in the universe.” [al-Hukoomah al-Islāmiyyah, al-Khomeni pg. 52]
It is correct that we should ask the Rāfidah: If the Imāms are as you claim, that they have free disposal in the matter of the creation to the point that the molecules are under their will and subjected to their command, then why do they fear death? And why do they hide from their enemies? And why do their enemies rule over them oppressively? why then are they imprisoned and killed!!?? ʿAlī, may Allāh be pleased with him, died as a result of murder. The hidden Imām whom they await, nothing prevents him from coming out, according to their suppositions, except fear of being killed. So what about this contraḍīction which it is not possible for an intelligent person to believe!!?? And it is not possible, from another perspective, for the Rāfidah to respond to it except by retracting from this lie and repenting to Allāh from it and from the likes of these falsehoods.
Translated by: Raha ʿAzīzudīn Batts
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